When he collapsed on top of me, I kissed his temple and held him close. I didn’t want to move. I liked this. It felt…right.

Elliot lifted his head and grinned. “I’m in lust.”

“With my ass?”

“Yep.” He gently pulled out and disposed of the spent condom before flopping beside me. He rolled to his side and kissed my cheek. “Your ass is hot, for sure, but I lust all of you.”

I chuckled. “Thanks. I lust you too.”

He caressed my cheek thoughtfully. “I bet you’re going to say we need rules.”

“It’s probably wise.”

“All right. Rule number one. We should have sex every day.”

“Sounds like more of a suggestion than a rule, but it’s a good one. I’m all for it.”

“I knew I liked you,” he gushed.

We stared at each other with matching goofy grins for a few moments.

“I don’t think we need any major rules. I’m here through August, maybe a little of September. We have six weeks together. I think we should have fun, but…exclusively. I don’t want to share you.”

Elliot frowned. “If you’re talking about Drew—”

“No. I mean…yeah, I’d prefer you didn’t get back together with him while I’m here. But if that’s what you want, be honest and tell me. I’ll be okay with it,” I lied.

“That’s not what I want. At all.”

“Okay. Then for six weeks, it’s just us and…we don’t tell anyone.”

“Does it matter if anyone knows? We’re both out,” he said gently.

“True, but I’d rather keep it private. I don’t want to discuss my sex life with my friends. Especially mutual ones who’ll assume we’re boyfriends. Knowing Sophie, she’ll want to plan a wedding and—I don’t want a circus. I just want to be with you. I’ve never done anything like this before and…I want it to be mine. And yours.”

Elliot set his hand over mine and brought my fingers to his lips. “Okay.”

We shared another silly grin. This one felt like a promise…and a wordless agreement to make the most of the summer.



This was shaping up to be the best summer ever. EVER. All caps. I just graduated from college, had my dream job playing volleyball at the beach, and I lived with a gorgeous, horny dude who loved sex. Other than my degree, which I was pretty sure they couldn’t take away, I didn’t know how long the rest would last. I had to make the most of it. Especially my time with Braden.

He was my new favorite person and the place I always wanted to be. I loved being with him. He was easy company…a perfect combination of cool and quirky. Cool because he loved volleyball and quirky in every other conceivable way. For instance, he loved the beach, but he hated sand. He loved playing video games, sprawled out with his feet tangled with mine, but when he was done, he made sure everything was put away properly. That was fine, actually.

I caught on that cleanliness and order meant more than disinfectants and tidiness to Braden. It was a means of calming storms and keeping personal order intact. He mopped floors to quiet demons. Go figure. He was a mystery to me. But I didn’t want to solve him. I wanted to learn him…if that made sense. I wanted to know what made him tick. I wanted to immerse myself in a study of his contradictions.

Anyone who laughed uproariously at ancient SNL skits and defended his deep-abiding love of cartoons from the nineties, then scolded me for leaving my dishes on the counter was someone I wanted to know inside and out.

Thankfully, he loved sex. We both did. And we were good at it. Like Olympic-caliber amazing. We tried out most rooms in the apartment. I fucked him over the island, over his desk, over the sofa.

Braden was always game to try something new. The guy who couldn’t stand crumbs on the kitchen counter loved it when I licked anything off his abs. This time it was chocolate syrup, and he let me wash him thoroughly after.

Two dudes our size didn’t fit easily in a standard shower, but we made it work. I stood behind him, soaping his chest in a wide circular motion before lowering my hands to clean his balls. I left his cock for last.

Braden splayed his hands on the white tile in front of him, bending his head so the water sluiced down his back. I slid my dick between his crack, jutting my hips meaningfully when I finally wrapped my fingers around his shaft and pumped my fist. He twisted to lick the corner of my mouth and told me to fuck him.

We dried off as fast as possible and hurried to his room. Braden got on all fours on his futon and fingered himself while I hurried to suit up. I crawled between his legs and sighed in ecstasy as I pressed the tip of my cock inside my lover. I ran soothing hands along his sides and took a deep breath, inching my way in until I was balls deep.