“I’ll hook you up,” he replied with a flirty grin.

I remembered that grin. Just standing in this bar was like being in a time warp.

This was where I met Drew. I was on the other side of the bar that night…almost a year ago exactly. Tucker and another college friend had talked me into going out. The plan was to stop by for one drink before moving on to a few reliable pickup joints, including a gay bar as a show of LGBTQ solidarity from my straight buddies. Funny enough, I fell for the first guy I met at the first bar we hit.

It was a quick ride and a bit of a rough one at the end, but I had no regrets. And no interest in a repeat. I needed to find Braden and…I had no idea what came next, but I’d figure it out, I mused as Drew reappeared with my beer.


“You’re welcome. Are you meeting someone?” he asked.

“Well…” I bit the inside of my cheek and briefly weighed how much I wanted to share. Meh. Fuck it. “I’m spying on a guy.”

Drew raised his brows. “The guy you were with last time I saw you?”


“Hold that thought.” He took a drink order from the couple to my right then returned. “I was under the impression you were together.”

I took a long pull from my beer and sighed. “It’s complicated. Whatever. What about you? How are you?”

“Good. I’m working a ton. I’m starting my MBA in the fall, so I’m trying to save as much money as possible.”

“That’s great. Where are you going?”

“Long Beach State.” He inclined his head toward a customer who signaled for another round, then set two glasses on the bar and started prepping a cocktail. “Did you end up getting the sponsorship you were looking for?”

“Yeah. I picked up a couple. It’s been good. Now, I just need to win a few tournaments,” I said, craning my neck when a small group switched tables in the seating area just beyond the glass.

“You will,” he said kindly.

“Thanks.” I set a ten-dollar bill on the bar and stood. “I’m gonna—”

“Hey, do you have a sec?”


“Less than a minute. I promise. Let me deliver these drinks.”

I inclined my head, stepped toward the outdoor dining section, and cast my gaze around the romantic setting. The instant pang of jealousy didn’t surprise me. I was kind of sorry I hadn’t made a bigger deal about Sophie’s stupid plan. I should have staked a claim and told Braden how I felt. Now I just looked like an ass.

Drew delivered the cocktails he’d made and skirted the bar to join me. He crooked his finger, motioning for me to follow him to a less crowded area adjacent to the outdoor dining section. I cast my gaze around, pausing when I thought I spotted Braden. I turned to give Drew an expectant look and almost collided with his chest.

“Hey, what’s up?”

“This.” He slipped his hand around the back of my neck and crashed his mouth over mine.

The kiss was quick and a little dirty. And if it happened two months ago, I might have shoved my tongue between his lips and taken things to a whole other level in seconds flat. But everything about the impetuous public display felt wrong and contrived. Moreover, he wasn’t the guy I wanted.

I pushed Drew’s chest and frowned. I could feel a few interested stares leveled our way. I doubted anyone cared we were two guys. Let’s be real, anytime the bartender sucked face with a customer, heads turned. Two dudes…even more titillating.

“What was that for?” I whispered.

“I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately. I feel like we needed a chance to grow on our own, and we’re probably at a good place to try again. I’m working and you’re…busy. This isn’t the right time to talk, but I’m really glad you showed up tonight. That’s all. I’ll be in touch, El.”

Drew caressed my cheek and walked away.

And because timing was everything, Sophie called my name from the outdoor dining area. She sat five feet away on the other side of the glass at a small table under a kitschy star-shaped chandelier with Anna and Braden.

All I could think as I swallowed around the knot in my throat and headed toward their table was…Why the hell do I ever listen to my mother? Seriously. Fuck. Me.

“Hey, what are you guys doing here?” I asked cheerily.

Sophie smiled and patted the chair beside hers. “We just had dinner, and we’re talking about where to get drunk. My date stood me up. But that’s not important. Tell us about you and Drew. I had no idea you were back together!”

“Uh…” I sank into the chair heavily and shook my head. “That wasn’t what it looked like.”

“God, I hope that’s not true, ’cause it looked a helluva lot better than my night. There was tongue involved. I could tell from here. Good for you! I always liked Drew.” Sophie set her hand over Anna’s. “I liked you better, of course.”