Elliot set the notepad on the counter and nudged my hip. “Yeah. Hey, do me a favor and fill that pot with water, will ya?”

I did as he asked, accidentally brushing his arm on my way to the sink. My skin tingled at the contact. No kidding. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up, and I felt flushed all over. I set the pot on the stove to boil. And there we were again, side-by-side…and I didn’t know what the hell was happening, but my body felt like a live wire. It was as if Elliot were a magnet. I couldn’t stand next to him and not touch him somehow.

But that would have been weird, so I settled for a subtle brush of elbows before I glanced at him.

“Why didn’t you pay the water bill on time?”

“I thought Soph did. I’m not used to taking care of details,” he said.

“Like bills? That’s kind of important.”

“Sure, but if someone else is willing to deal with crap like bills, I’m all for it.”

“Unbelievable.” I picked up the spoon to stir the sauce, shaking my head ruefully. “Just so we’re clear, I’m not fuckin’ taking care of you. And I’m not cleaning your messes either.”

Elliot’s eyes twinkled with ready humor. It was impossible not to like this guy. Especially when he turned to the fridge to grab two beers, holding one to me in a peace offering.

“I get it. I’ll be good. Truce?”

I took the beer and bumped his fist with mine. “Truce.”

“Who’s the package for?” he asked, inclining his head meaningfully.

“Me. I think it’s a congratulations or I guess, a consolation prize.”

“From who?”

“My mom. She’s a great cook, but her specialty is her homemade fudge.” I leaned across the island to grab the package and shook off my angst. Chocolate always helped. “Mentally prepare yourself, because this stuff is going to change your life.”

“Oh, nice! I love fudge. Fudge brownies, fudge cookies, fudge cereal.”

“There’s no such thing as fudge cereal,” I scoffed.

“Sure, there is. Have you ever had Chocolate Cookie Crunch cereal?”

“Yuck. That sounds very unhealthy.”

“Definitely, but I fuckin’ loved that stuff when I was a kid.”

“Of course you did. I guarantee you’ll like this better.” I ripped open the seal, then peeled back the wax paper protecting the fudge while Elliot put the noodles in the boiling water. When he joined me at the island, I presented him with a tiny square of goodness.

He stared at it suspiciously for a long moment. Long enough that I almost popped it into my own mouth. Elliot must have anticipated my intent—he captured my wrist midair and pulled me toward him. I doubt he meant it to be a forceful maneuver, but we both laughed when I nearly collided with his bare chest. I didn’t jump back. I had a fleeting thought that a sudden movement might seem rude. But I lost my ability to think the second he met my gaze.

I forgot I was holding a piece of fudge. I forgot that I’d spent the better part of the past thirty minutes wondering how on earth I’d survive living with him to getting distracted by his gorgeous eyes and hot body and—that was not okay. We were friends. Even that was tenuous. We couldn’t…

Elliot stuck his tongue out and held my gaze as he licked the piece of fudge and the side of my thumb.

Holy fuck.

Maybe licking my thumb was an accident. I couldn’t tell. My mouth went dry, my heart beat out of control, and my dick went rogue. It stretched obscenely against my zipper and given our proximity, there was no way Elliot wouldn’t notice. But I couldn’t move. I was stuck in the moment with a sudden semi, waiting for him to end this connection.

He didn’t. He licked my finger again and this time, he took the fudge too…and moved closer still. Close enough to brush the tip of my nose with his. I could smell the chocolate on his breath. I had an oddball thought that it wouldn’t taste good with beer. But there was only one way to find out, so I leaned in and pressed my lips to his.

Oh, this was good. Very good.

I took a second to revel in the feel of his soft lips and stubbled jaw. Something about that combination turned me on and made me feel a little wild inside. And maybe a touch braver than usual. I breathed in the heady scent of chocolate and Elliot, and yeah…I knew this was an apology in the making, but I had to have more.

I tilted my head and kissed him properly, moving my lips to deepen the connection, so there was no chance of mistaking this as an innocent overture. Elliot hummed a rough, sexy sound, grunting his approval before flicking the seam of my mouth and pushing his tongue between my lips.