He leaned forward with his hand outstretched and then gently picked her up and cradled her in his arms before presenting her to me. “This is Buttons, queen of this castle, such as it is.”

My smile was so wide, it hurt my face. There was something very sweet about this giant of a man holding the small black cat that made my heart flip in my chest.

“She’s beautiful.” I ran my thumb on top of her head and pet her fur. Buttons purred and licked her white paw nonchalantly as if to say the gesture was acceptable. “How old is she?”

“Five. She belonged to my friend, Cody. He moved to Vermont and couldn’t afford to take her with him, so I offered to keep her. She’s allowed me the honor for three years now,” he said with a half chuckle.

“You’re lucky. I’ve never had a pet.”


I snickered at his incredulous expression. “No. I begged my parents for a dog when I was a kid. They gave the old ‘We’ll see’ a million times, but it never happened. When I was seven, I won a couple of goldfish at the fair one year and my dad told me it was a good chance for me to prove I could take care of something. I bought a big fishbowl, blue pebbles for the bottom, an underwater treasure chest, and a mini filter with money I’d been saving in my piggy bank since birth. I read up on how much to feed them, when and how to change their water. I was determined to be the best goldfish owner ever.”

“How long did they make it?”

“Forty-eight fucking hours. Can you believe that? I was wrecked. My mom bought me another one ’cause I was so devastated. I think that one lasted a month. Needless to say, I stopped asking for a dog or a cat.”

“Dogs and cats are nothing like fish. I bet you could handle it. Here…wanna hold her?”

Rory deposited Buttons into my arms before I could respond, clicking his tongue and cooing softly.

“She’s so pretty,” I said in an awed tone.

“Wow. I can’t believe she didn’t bolt. You’re good with her.”

“I like animals.”

“Me too. They’re easy. They don’t ask for much, and they’re always there for you.” He leaned in to press a kiss on the cat’s head and then mine before standing. “How do you feel about ice cream?”

“I feel really good about it.” I grinned.

“Cool. I’ll be right back.”

Rory gathered our plates and returned a few minutes later with a pint of Ben and Jerry’s Chocolate Fudge Brownie and two spoons. Buttons climbed out of my arms with a loud meow when I reached for the ice cream. We chuckled at her obvious annoyance, then settled in and just…talked.

We sat with our legs entwined, passing the container back and forth while we covered religion, politics, the world’s best birthday cakes, and our favorite holidays.

“Halloween?” I asked, scraping the bottom of the container before passing it to Rory.

“Yeah. You?” He scowled at the empty pint, then licked the inside edges. I knew it was for comedic purpose, but the sight of his tongue along the rim of that container did things to me.


“Everyone says that.”

I chuckled at his teasing tone. “Are you saying I’m not unique?”

Rory set the empty container on the coffee table. Then he pulled my knee close and absently massaged the inside of my thigh. The gesture was possessive yet tender at the same time. It was a powerful combination that made me want to climb onto his lap and stick my tongue down his throat.

“You’re one of a kind.”

“So are you,” I said, wincing at the note of hero worship in my tone.

Rory’s smile widened. He looked like a pirate—sexy as fuck and up to no good. He held my gaze and then tentatively reached out to trace my jawline. I froze. I might have stopped breathing too. It was hard to tell.

He leaned in close enough that I could feel his breath on my lips. He smelled like soap and something woodsy and masculine. I had to taste him again. My awareness of him skyrocketed as we hovered in a sensual standoff. I’d had a crush on him since the first day we met. I thought he was funny, charming, and hot as hell. Now I knew he was smart and kind too. And I knew what it felt like to have him pressed against me in a confined space with his hands on my dick while he devoured me with passionate kisses. I wanted that again. And more.

He caressed my cheek as though we were old lovers with a beautiful story. I leaned into his touch like a cat and let my gaze roam between his eyes and lips. Then I cupped the back of his neck and sealed my mouth over his. I wound my arms around his neck in an effort to get even closer before licking his bottom lip in a wordless request for entry. I could have kissed him all night. I loved the feel of his scruff against my chin and his hand on my lower back. I heard myself whimper when he pulled away to nip at my chin and catch his breath. I didn’t want to stop. I raked my fingers down his back and hiked my leg over his intending to push him flat on the sofa.