“I saw him kiss another guy, but he said he’s single.”

“Guys lie all the time. In this case, it doesn’t matter. If you actually get laid while studying a subject you hate, you wind up in the win column. Am I right?” He held his hand up for a high five.

I ignored his hand and rolled my eyes. “Nothing is going to happen.”

“If it does, let it. You’re free to do whatever and whomever you want. Like me.”

“Wait. What’s up? Did something happen with you and Sky?”

“I don’t know.” He pursed his lips and then twisted to face me. “Something doesn’t feel right. I don’t know what it is, but it’s there.”

Wow. I’d come a long way. Nine months ago, I would have been torn between being thrilled his relationship was in jeopardy and wondering if there was still a chance for us. Now, I was more concerned about splitting the rent between two people instead of three if Sky moved out. I set aside my financial worries and refocused on my friend.

“Is there someone else?” I asked gently.

“No. It’s not like that. It just feels different. Like we’re together but not in the same place. You know what I mean?”

No, I didn’t. Especially since I’d heard them having rather vocal sex before I left for practice that morning. Squeaky bedsprings, loud groans, and the inevitable “Fuck me harder, Max!”…in other words, the usual.

“I’m not sure.”

“Me either. All I know is, I feel like I can’t breathe lately. He’s always around and, I should love that ’cause I want to be with him but…I guess I need space too.”

“Can you tell him that?”

Max snorted. “Yeah, right. He’ll think I want to break up. That’s not what I want. I just want to be alone sometimes. Or I want to hang out with you without him getting jealous over nothing.”

“He’s exhausting,” I blurted with a sigh.

“True, but he’s hot as hell and the sex is—”

“Yeah, yeah. I hear the sex. Often. We don’t need to discuss it.” I stood and glanced at my watch. I had fifteen minutes before I had to get ready for class. I didn’t want to waste it talking about my replacement.

“Can I say this stuff to you, or is this weird?” he asked, furrowing his brow.

“You can talk to me, Max. It’s not weird at all,” I said sincerely.

Max threw his arm around my shoulder and squeezed me against his side.

“Good. I’m really glad we can be honest with each other ’cause I have something to say to you. Are you listening?”

I wiggled out of his hold and punched his bicep. “No, I’m not.”

“You should, ’cause I’m about to give you some great advice.”

“What is it?”

“Fuck the tutor.”

“Excuse me?” I asked incredulously.

“You heard me. Fuck him. Let him fill your brain with numbers and equations and then ask him to fill your—”

“Do not say another word,” I growled, taking another peek around the deserted gym.

“I’m stating the obvious, dude. You need sex more than anyone I know. If you have a crush on the guy, why not see if he feels the same? The worst he can say is no.”

“Wrong. The worst he can do is tell my coach…you know, the guy who set this up. If Perez heard that I propositioned my tutor for a booty call on the sly, life as I know it would be over,” I grumbled unhappily.

Max scratched his chin thoughtfully. “Be subtle. Don’t straight up say, ‘Dude, let me suck your cock.’ Lead up to it. Seduce him. You remember how to do that, don’t you? If it’s mutual, he won’t out you to your coach or anyone else. At least think about it.”

I opened my mouth to blast him for giving me lame advice, but really, I should have known. Max had developed a Nike-esque mentality about sex over the past year. If any opportunity arose, pun intended…it was a “just do it” moment. Not my style. I knew he and Sky had a semi-open relationship with a host of rules that gave them each a green light to act on temptation. I tried not to ask too many questions. It was strange enough living with my ex and his boyfriend. I didn’t need to know any details. But I sure as fuck wasn’t going to adopt his newfound groovy-love mentality and potentially screw up my future. Not when I was this close to the finish line.

“Thanks, Max…but we’ve officially reached the point where I’m going to do the opposite of whatever you suggest.”

“Okay, then my advice is to pay close attention to the textbook bullshit and not stare at his dick in his tight jeans.”

“With any luck, he’ll wear baggy basketball shorts and it won’t be an issue.”

Max barked a quick laugh and picked up another set of weights. “You love guys in basketball shorts. You even like it when they wear leggings with them.”