“Nice visual,” I replied sarcastically.

“I know, right? Maybe that didn’t make sense. Let me show you.” He pointed at the opposite corner of the mat. “You stand over there. We start in neutral across from each other, one foot on the mat, the other off. That’s right. The idea is to stay in bounds or for our purposes, on the mats. There’s a host of basic rules, but let’s stick with common-courtesy ones. No scratching, pulling hair or clothes, or biting.”

“I can’t bite you?”

“No, wise guy. And remember…offense. Ready?”

I nodded and took a step forward just as Rory charged at me. He picked me up around my middle and flattened his chest over mine. He pulled my arms above my head, then leaned down and bit my bottom lip. “I win.”

I curled my legs around his upper right thigh and tilted my hips so my half-hard prick grazed against his as I shifted my weight. I hoped to throw him off guard and use momentum to topple him sideways, but he was too big. And honestly, I loved the feel of his weight on me.

I should have been mortified at my body’s traitorous response to him. I didn’t care who was watching. I wanted him to yank my shorts down and drive his cock inside me. I wondered if there was a way to fuck in the corner of a gym while everyone else went on with their conversations, completely oblivious to the live porn unfolding on the mat. It would be like something from a perverted dream. Me and the coach, the tutor, my tattooed wrestling opponent with the sexy smile and the beautiful eyes.

“Damn, I want you to fuck me, Rory,” I whispered, licking the shell of his ear.

He gave me a puzzled look as he rose above me, holding my wrists to keep me still. “What are you doing?”

“Nothing. I was just thinking this is hot. I can feel your cock through your shorts. I want to slip my hand inside and squeeze your balls and—”

Rory set his hand over my mouth and widened his eyes comically. “Whatever you’re doing, stop.”

I lowered my eyelashes and went completely still in a gesture I hoped he read as contrite. The second he pulled his hand away, I bit the side of his palm and shoved his chest hard and pounced. The element of surprise gave me the advantage. When he fell sideways, I dove on top of him and sealed my mouth over his. This was a bigger deal than he probably guessed. I’d never kissed a man in a public space that wasn’t completely LGBTQ-friendly. Ever.

I licked his lips and slid my tongue inside, threading my fingers through his hair as I deepened the connection. Then I smacked the mat underneath him three times before breaking the kiss with a grin.

“I won.” I taunted.

Rory snorted in amusement and pushed me. I sat beside him with a big-ass smile on my face, knitting my legs together to hide my erection.

“You’re a sneaky brat and you know I can’t retaliate, or I’ll end up fucking you on this mat.”

I waggled my eyebrows. “So admit it…I won. Go on. Say the words. ‘Nice job, Christian. You kicked my ass.’ ”

“Ha. You cheated and basically racked up a shit-ton of penalty points. If this was a real match—”

“I would have won,” I intercepted, nudging his shoulder playfully.

“You would have been disqualified. In a football game, you’d have been ejected.”


Rory shot a stern look at me. “Whatsa matter with you? You look drunk or high or something.”

I snickered. “Nope. I’m just happy ’cause I—”

“You did not win so don’t say it.” He glowered as he shifted to stand. “Come on. Let’s try it again.”

I pulled his elbow so he fell beside me. “That’s not what I was going to say. Did you notice that I kissed you? In public.”

Rory cocked his head and squinted before turning toward the other patrons on the far end of the room. “This barely qualifies as ‘public.’ And what’s up with you anyway? One second you’re freaked out that I told a kid I’m gay and the next, you turn into a sex fiend in front of the treadmill crew.”

I chuckled appreciatively and leaned back, bracing my weight on my hands as I took in his handsome profile. “Sorry. I guess I got carried away.”

“Don’t apologize. It feels good out of that closet, doesn’t it?” When I opened my mouth to reply, he set his finger over my lips. Then he hopped to his feet and extended his right hand to help me up. “That was a rhetorical question. No answer required.”

“Evan invited me to his house for the barbeque he told you about this weekend,” I blurted. “He suggested we go together and…let’s do it. Do you want to go with me?”