I snickered. “Why Buttons?”

“ ’Cause she’s cute as a button, and what the fuck are you laughin’ at?” he asked in a mock-serious tone.

I wiped tears from the corners of my eyes and shook my head. “You. I can’t keep anything straight. You’re built like some of the burliest linebackers on my team, but you’re smarter than all of them put together. Brawn, brains…and a cat named Buttons. I can honestly say I don’t know anyone like you.”

“You forgot gay. Let’s not forget that’s how this conversation started,” he singsonged.

“It is?” I asked, sobering immediately.

“Yeah, I told you if we were a hookup, we’d have already had sex. Things went a little sideways after that.”

Rory popped the lid off his to-go cup and raised it in a mock toast. I studied his Adam’s apple and let my gaze wander from his large hands to his powerful-looking arms. And just like that, my dick had a pulse of its own. I licked my lips, willing myself to pull it together ’cause he was talking now and I couldn’t hear a fucking thing.

“What did you say?”

“I said I’m sorry.” He cocked his head and gave me a pirate’s smile. “I think you know I’m just playing with you, but I have a rep for saying things I shouldn’t. So if I offended you, I apologize.”

“I’m not that easily offended. And I thought your creepy-cat date story was very entertaining.”

“It was hypothetical. I don’t date.”

“Why not? You didn’t seem to like that last blowjob you got in da club,” I teased. “Maybe you should give a little pre-sex conversation a try.”

Rory scoffed. “You’re hilarious. The BJ wasn’t so bad. It was just boring.”

“How is a blowjob boring?” I asked incredulously.

“When it’s…” Rory circled his hand expressively. “…routine. Like when your partner is just going through the motions. Open mouth, close eyes, moan, fondle balls, twirl tongue around the head, give partner a sexy ‘This is about to happen’ look and then deep throat cock until he gags.”

I swallowed hard and tried to think of a response that wouldn’t advertise the fact that I was now sporting major wood. I’d been half-hard since I’d put my textbook away, and the unexpected fellatio play-by-play didn’t help.

“Sounds like maybe you’re looking for love in the wrong places,” I said with a nervous-sounding half laugh.

“Thankfully, I’m not looking for love anywhere. I’m so bad at relationships, it’s almost funny,” he said.

“Me too. Good thing I don’t mind my own company.”

Rory squinted and gave me a shrewd once-over before gathering our trash. “Quarterbacks get all the action, Christian. Something tells me that if you’re spending time alone, it’s ’cause you want to.”

“Maybe. I’m too busy either way,” I replied vaguely as I picked my backpack up off the floor and hiked it over my shoulder.


I followed him to the front of the store and held the door open for him with my elbow as I pulled out my phone to check the time. This was a good place to make my exit. But once again, I found myself asking one more question to keep him talking. “Have you been single for a while?”

“Yeah. My ex dumped me a year and a half ago. Honestly, I can’t blame him. I was such an asshole. I didn’t mean to be, but I wasn’t ready to be totally out. He’s better off now anyway.” Rory paused and gave me a funny look. “This is kinda weird, but I bet you know Mitch’s boyfriend.”

“Huh? Who’s Mitch?”

“My ex. He’s been with his new guy for a year, I think. Evan…I forget his last name. Something Italian. He graduated from Chilton last spring and he was a football player, so you must know him. It was a big deal when he came out. It was all over social media.”

I stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and gulped as I turned to face him. No fucking way could the world possibly be that small.

“Evan di Angelo? You know Evan?” I asked in a small voice.

“Yeah. He works out at the Y. We’ve actually become friends. He didn’t like my status as the ex at first, but we’re cool now and—hey, you okay? You look a little pale.”

I swallowed around the desert in my mouth and nodded. “I’m fine. And yeah, I know Evan. We’re friends. He’s a good guy.”

My tight-lipped smile wasn’t convincing, but Rory had no reason not to believe me. He scratched his head as he backed up.

“Right. When’s your next quiz? We’ve got to get you an A.”

“Um, Friday. I think,” I said distractedly.

“You think?” he prodded.

“I’m pretty sure. I’ll let you know.”

“Text me. We can come here again or figure something else out.” He fished his keys from his pocket and squinted at me. “You sure you’re okay?”

“Positive. I’ll touch base with you tomorrow. And thanks. This was helpful.” This time I thought my smile was sincere.