He rolled his eyes, then bent to examine my side. His expression went from derisive to vaguely concerned in a heartbeat. “I did that?”

“Yeah. Thanks, asshole.” I kept my tone light, expecting him to taunt me for being a wuss, but he seemed genuinely puzzled. Maybe even remorseful.

“Did you put any antiseptic cream on it?”

“No. I figured the chlorine would work its magic. I’m fine. I’ve had worse,” I said with a laugh.

Gabe straightened and frowned. “Do you have any Neosporin?”

“Uh…I think so. But don’t worry about it. I told you, I’m fine,” I insisted.

“C’mon. I’ll help you put some on. It’s in a weird spot, so it might not be easy to reach on your own.” He grabbed my elbow and steered me toward the bathroom.

“Gabe, I—”

“Humor me. A little Neosporin won’t hurt you, and it’s better to be safe than sorry anyway. Where is it?” he asked, pointing at the medicine cabinet and then the row of drawers under the bathroom sink.

I sighed heavily as I opened the medicine cabinet and pulled out the small tube of cream. Gabe plucked it out of my hand and squeezed a tiny amount onto his forefinger before instructing me to turn around.



He seemed more determined than me, so I obeyed. I leaned against the counter and watched him in the mirror. He bent slightly, then smeared the cool cream along the scratch. I nearly jumped out of my skin. His touch was warm and soothing. I sucked in a breath and bit my lip when my dick twitched in immediate response. This couldn’t be happening. I tried to think of anything and everything un-sexy to minimize the damage and hoped he didn’t notice the growing bulge in my jeans inches away from his head. Family vacations, cafeteria food…fuck, it wasn’t working. Desire and need tingled at the base of my spine. I didn’t understand what was going on with me, and I couldn’t begin to sort through my thoughts with him so close.

“Uh…thanks,” I said in a strangled-sounding tone when Gabe straightened.

He recapped the tube and set it on the counter, then smiled. “It’s the least I can do. Sorry about that. It must hurt.”

I swallowed hard and turned to face him. The scratch didn’t register anymore. My cock was the only thing that hurt at the moment. “I’m fine.”

Gabe smiled sweetly. “Good.”

We stared at each other in a surreal standoff of sorts. The air crackled and buzzed with carnal heat. He had to notice it too. I had no clue what was going on in his head, but I couldn’t seem to get myself under control. I wanted to touch him. Just once. I wanted to feel him against me.

I catalogued his handsome features: his thick dark hair, chiseled jaw, perfect nose, those full lips…and worked like mad to rein in my impulses. When I fixated on his mouth a moment too long, I sealed my fate. My heartbeat skyrocketed and my palms went instantly damp as something bigger than me took over my body and propelled me forward. I grabbed the back of Gabe’s neck and crashed my mouth over his.

And unbelievably, he didn’t push me away.

Any second now, I expected him to shove me against the counter and punch me. But he didn’t. Maybe he was in shock. Hell, maybe we both were. I couldn’t move now that I’d come this far. I was fused to him in the best possible way, and a little voice in my head—probably the same one that encouraged me to drink unlimited kamikazes and unzip my jeans in his car—encouraged me to revel in the moment while I had the chance. So I breathed Gabe in, savoring the feel of his mouth on mine and the brush of his hair on the back of my hand and waited for him to do something…anything.

We stood with our lips frozen in an almost manic press. Then he set one hand on my waist, angled his head, and softened the connection. I closed my eyes and followed his lead. I was in awe, or maybe it was plain ol’ shock. I didn’t know where to go from here but oddly enough, Gabe did. He traced the seam of my mouth with the tip of his tongue. I parted my lips instinctively, and that was when he pulled away.

He sucked in a deep breath, casting his gaze frantically between my eyes and my mouth and back again.

“What are you doing?” Gabe whispered.

“I don’t know.”

His nostrils flared and his chest heaved. He didn’t seem angry or disgusted. Just bewildered. I wasn’t sure how I felt, but I had to figure out a way to laugh this off. Fast. I licked my lips and prepared my “I should have warned you I was an equal opportunity drunk” speech. Of course, I hadn’t known that was the case until this very moment. I’d never lost control like this before.