I’d been on the receiving end of my share of blowjobs but nothing like this. Gabe knew what he was doing. He pulled back to lick me from base to tip, sucking the head of my cock while he kneaded my balls. Then he glanced up at me briefly and angled his head to take more of me. I pulled his hair and lifted my hips rhythmically. When he moved his hand from the inside of my thigh and brushed his thumb over the sensitive skin above my hole, I couldn’t hold on.

My orgasm washed over me in a fierce wave. It was too late to warn Gabe. He pulled back but not quite in time. Cum shot across his bottom lip and his chin, then my stomach. I started to apologize for the lack of notice, but I couldn’t catch my breath. Just when I thought I could speak, Gabe kneeled above me, jacking his cock like crazy. He came with a roar a moment later. He closed his eyes and shook like a leaf, holding my knee for purchase until he regained control. Then he opened his eyes and grinned. My heart somersaulted and burst with joy. I laughed at the exhilarating sense of lightness. I felt like I was soaring through clouds and yet grounded and safe at the same time.

We were cautious with each other afterward, as though we sensed the fragility in this new thing between us. We cleaned up together in the bathroom. I ran the shower and gestured for him to go first. He held a towel for me when I stepped out and motioned for me to turn so he could dry my back. The simple gesture conjured a new round of butterflies. I didn’t know why I was nervous to touch him after what we’d done. But I was pathetically grateful he had no such reservations. When we fell back onto my bed naked, it didn’t feel weird to curl up next to him.

“Are you thirsty?” I whispered.

“No, I’m all right. Are you?”

“Yeah. I mean…I’m not thirsty. I—this feels strange. We just…you know.” I gestured between us manically.

“Had sex,” he supplied.

I frowned as I propped my head on my elbow. “But we didn’t…you know…do it.”

“Fuck?” Gabe chuckled. “True. But I sucked your dick, and that’s definitely a form of doing it.”

I lowered my head to hide my blush, then nodded. “That was hot. I—how did we get here?”

He set his thumb under my chin and gave me a searching look. “Are you okay with this? Do you want me to go?”

“No,” I replied swiftly. “Stay.”

“Just so you know…we’re not doing anything wrong. It might be complicated, but it’s not wrong.”

“Which part is complicated?”

“We’re teammates. I’ve never been with a guy who plays the same sport as me. Ever.”

I nodded in agreement, though at that moment being in the same sport and on the same team was the least of my worries. I was buck-ass naked in bed with a man. A really fucking sexy man.

“Who have you been with? Have you had boyfriends?” I widened my eyes dramatically before continuing, “Do you have one now?”

“No, dummy. I don’t have a boyfriend.” Gabe smoothed my hair and then tugged it playfully. “You’re cute when you get anxious. You ask a lot of questions.”

“I’m not anx—fine. I’m anxious.”

“If it makes you feel any better, I am too.”

“It helps,” I admitted. “But you’ve been here before, right?”

“Yes, but it’s been awhile. I had a boyfriend my senior year of high school and another one last year.”

“Oh. What about girls?”

“I’ve been with a few but nothing serious. Most of my real relationships have been with guys. The last one was probably the most serious I’d ever been with anyone. We broke up six months ago and…it sucked.”

“What was his name?” I asked for no particular reason.


Great. I hated Marco.

“What happened?”

“He graduated and he wanted to come out. It was kind of our plan, but I…I couldn’t do it. I wasn’t ready. I’d just made the national team, and I couldn’t throw away my chance at a shot to go to the Olympics. The Olympics are a couple of years away still. I thought he’d be cool waiting a little longer, but…he wasn’t.” Gabe shrugged with faux nonchalance.

“I’m sorry.”

“Whatever. It’s old news.”

“I thought you switched schools to be closer to where the national team practices,” I said, frowning.

“That was part of it. Marco was the other part.”

“Oh.” I bit my lower lip, confused by the sting of jealousy. “Who else knows you’re bi?”

“My mom. That’s it.”

“And she’s cool with it?”

Gabe let out a half laugh. “She says she is, but I think she hopes this is my bi-curioso phase.”

I smiled wanly. “It’s not?”

“Doubtful. Lately I’ve been thinking I’m gay. I’m just not as turned-on by girls. My efforts never work out for me the way they do for my straight friends. Chelsea’s party is a great example. I kissed your ex at the beginning of the night but ended up with your jizz all over my underwear.”