Peter asked, “How’d you decide on Thailand?”

Micah smiled at me as he explained, “It all started with a cookbook. We’ll actually be taking some cooking classes while we’re there, but really it’s about showing Jasper the world, and this was a great place to start.” Peter nodded in agreement, and Micah asked, “Have you been there?”

“It’s on our list. Right now, we have three daughters in college, so traveling isn’t in the budget. But my wife and I have big plans for when I retire in a few years.”

Micah looked surprised. “I didn’t know you have a wife and kids.”

“Of course you didn’t. You think I go around telling the assholes on my case load my personal business?”

Micah laughed at that. “Well, yay to not being an asshole on your case load anymore. Does this mean we’re friends now?”

Peter got up and raised a brow, but a grin hovered on his lips. “You’re still an asshole. The rest remains to be seen. Drop me a line when you get back from Thailand, and maybe I’ll let you buy me a coffee. Maybe.” He drained his mug, then put it on the kitchen island and said, “I’d better go. I promised my wife I’d clean out the garage today, but first I need to do a surprise visit for one of my probationers.” The grin turned into a wicked smile. “This guy’s a real douchebag, and it ruins his whole day when I drop by unannounced.” I couldn’t help but chuckle at that. It was nice to be on the other side of the fence for once.

Micah walked Peter out while I started to clean up. When he returned, he washed out the coffee pot, then packed the coffee maker in one of the open boxes before picking up a dish towel. As I washed the breakfast dishes, I asked, “How does it feel to be a free man?”

He smiled at me and said, “It feels damn good.”

“That’s what I figured.”

“Do me a favor and remind me never to get arrested again.”

“You won’t,” I said. “You’re not that man anymore.”

“You’re right, I’m not. Also, check this out.” He rolled up the cuffs of his jeans, then struck a pose.

“Two naked ankles! Hot.”

“Right? I knew you’d like that.” He grinned at me and kissed my forehead.

Once we finished the dishes, we packed them up, then carried the last of the boxes into the very crowded dining room, which contained the entire contents of the kitchen cabinets.

“Ash and Wes will be here soon,” I said. “We should bring down the luggage from our bedroom.”

“I already did after I walked Peter out. Everything’s waiting for us in the foyer.”

“Thank you for taking care of that.”

He kissed me before asking, “How long did you say we have before our friends get here?”

“A few minutes maybe?” I laced my fingers at the back of his neck, and when he picked me up I wrapped my legs around him. Micah kissed me again, and just as things started to heat up the doorbell rang. I smiled against his lips, then said, “Or maybe less.”

He murmured, “Damn,” and put me down again. Then he took my hand, and we went to let our friends in.

As soon as Micah opened the front door, Ash threw a handful of confetti into the air and yelled, “Happy freedom day!”

Micah laughed at that and said, “Come on in.”

Wes flashed him a smile. “Actually, there’s somewhere we need to take you before the airport, so we should get going.”

Micah glanced at me, and I grinned at him and said, “I’m not telling.”

As he gathered our luggage, I looked inside my messenger bag to make sure I had my brand new passport, which was all ready for its first stamp. I could barely believe we’d soon be on our way to Southeast Asia. It felt like a dream.

But first, we had a surprise for Micah. The four of us carried the luggage outside, and I locked up behind us. Then we carefully stepped through the scaffolding that surrounded the house, and Wes looked back and said, “I’m loving the new color scheme.”

We were having the exterior painted in several shades of blue, including my favorite color, which was light aquamarine, and Micah’s favorite, which was deep sapphire. They complemented each other beautifully and really brought the house to life.

Ash asked, “Are you happy with your decision to stay in this house, instead of downsizing?”

“Definitely,” Micah said. “This is where Jasper and I fell in love, and it’s our home. Plus, with all the remodeling and the rooftop garden we’re having built, we’re making it perfect for both of us.”

Once we’d loaded our luggage in their SUV, Ash and Wes drove us across town. The platinum band on Ash’s finger sparkled in the sunlight as he played with Wes’s hair. They’d given each other matching rings and gotten engaged on Christmas, and I couldn’t be happier for my friends.