He leaned in and glanced at the device as he said, “I’m not sure about that one. I was getting pretty sick of my hand, but now that I see it in person, the idea of fucking a tube isn’t very appealing.”

“I know what you mean, but some men really like them.”

“Have you ever used one?”

“I’ve used them on clients before at their request, but never on myself.”

He thought about that for a few moments, while I sliced through another strip of tape and unpacked a pair of inline skates. I had no idea what he thought he was going to do with those. Finally, he said, “You’ve been a sex worker for a while, right?”

“Since I was nineteen.”

“Do you date much?”


“So, all the sex you’ve had over the last eight years was dictated by people who were paying you.”

“Pretty much, aside from a handful of hookups.” I flattened the box, then cut another one open.

After a pause, he said, “I want this to be different.”

“In what way?” I pulled an eighteen-inch dildo with a suction cup base from the box and handed it to him with a friendly smile.

“Oh hell no, I definitely failed to read the description with that one.” He whacked the suction cup onto the marble floor, then gave the dildo a slap, so it sprang back and forth like a windshield wiper. We both chuckled, and then he grew serious again and told me, “What I was trying to say is, I don’t want this to be all about me. Please ask for whatever you want. I’m not just talking about sex, either.”


“This is important,” he said.

“I know.”

“Is there anything you want right now, Jasper?”

“For you to throw away that eighteen-inch monster dong, because yikes.”

He grinned and said, “I’m going to, but you’re not taking the question seriously.”

“Yes I am, and I’ll definitely let you know if and when I want something.”

He started to reply, but then we both jumped at a loud knock on the door. Micah instantly tensed up, and I looked at him questioningly as we got to our feet. “It’s probably my PO on one of his random checks,” he whispered. “God, I hate it when he does this. We have regular meetings, but then he just drops in sometimes to try to catch me breaking the rules. He already knows I’m where I should be because of the anklet, so what does he think he’ll catch me doing? Making snow angels in a mountain of cocaine?”

“What’s a PO?”

“Probation officer.” He was still whispering. “I haven’t told him about you yet, and he’s supposed to clear all my visitors. Will you please do me a favor and hide until he’s gone?”

“So, he did actually catch you at something!”

He smirked at that. “Technically, yes. But only if he knows you’re here.”

While he was talking, he dumped the sex toys and lube into an open box. Then he tried to pull up the giant dildo, but the suction cup held firm. I chuckled as he grabbed it with both hands and tugged for all he was worth. Then I said, “Let me help,” and peeled up the edge of the suction cup before tossing King Dong in the box. He flashed me a smile, then covered that box with another one.

I grabbed my suitcases and hurried upstairs, as another pounding knock echoed through the house. Micah watched from the foot of the stairs, waiting until I reached the third floor before answering the door.

As soon as he opened it, a booming voice demanded, “What took you so long? Don’t tell me you were sleeping again.”

“What are you going to do, Boseman, arrest me for taking a nap?”

“Nice attitude, Mazari.”

“You’re right, I should be happy the sleep police showed up just in time to prevent a napping misdemeanor, or is that a felony? Should I go get my pillow, so you can arrest it as a co-conspirator?” I couldn’t help but grin. His sarcasm game was on point. Meanwhile, I could hear his PO’s sigh of frustration all the way from the third floor landing.

I stayed where I was until they moved to the back of the house, and then I snuck down the hall to my room. The floors were creaky, but hopefully his probation officer wouldn’t hear me with the second story between us. I decided not to press our luck, so when I got to my room I took off my shoes, climbed onto the bed, and settled in with a book on my phone.

That was where Micah found me about twenty minutes later. He leaned against the doorframe and said, “Sorry about that.”

“It’s fine. I wouldn’t want you to get in trouble.”

“That’s not high on my list, either. I always feel like he’s just looking for a reason to send me to jail.”