“But he has a hell of a reputation. In fact, he was back in the news recently. I’m trying to remember why.” I winced when Ash grabbed his laptop and flipped it open. As his fingers flew over the keyboard, he said, “God, was he talented, though. Fallen’s debut album is an absolute classic.” He paused to read the information he’d pulled up on his screen, and his brows knit with concern. “You know he was arrested a few months back, right?”

“Yeah, I do. Can I see the article?”

Ash handed me the laptop, and as I skimmed the story about the bar fight and Micah’s arrest, he asked, “What happened after that? The article is a few months old.”

“He was sentenced to house arrest until the beginning of January.”

“Now I see why he wants you to stay with him for the next six months.”

“Exactly. He’s bored and really lonely.” I closed the laptop and returned it to the coffee table.

“I can imagine. But are you sure you can trust this guy?”

“I trust my instincts, and they’re telling me he’s a good person.”

“Okay. I trust your instincts, too.” He sighed and told me, “I’m going to miss you, Jasper. But it’s not forever, right?” When I broke eye contact, he asked, “Why do you look so sad all of a sudden?”

“Because you and I didn’t have much time left as roommates, and now it’s basically gone. You and your boyfriend have already started house hunting, and you’ll probably find something and move out before I’m back here in January.”

“Yeah, but remember what I told you? I want you to come with us when we buy a house.”

“I know, and I appreciate it so much,” I said. “But you two are building a life and a future together. You need time for just the two of you, and you need your privacy. I’d just be in the way.”

“I don’t want to leave you all alone, Jasper.”

I squeezed his shoulder. “You don’t have to worry about me. I’ll be fine, and our friendship will be, too. You’re stuck with me for life, no matter what.”

Ash grabbed me in a hug. “You’re stuck with me, too. We’re family, and that’s never going to change. But I loved living with you, Jas, and I’ll miss having you right there in the next room.”

“Same.” When we let go of each other, I added, “You know though, this might be totally premature. If things don’t work out with Micah, I could be back here in a matter of days.”

“It’ll work out, as long as that guy’s not a douche. You’re easy to get along with, and incredibly patient. You even managed to put up with my shit for two whole years.”

“Right? I deserve a medal.” He laughed at that, and I smiled at him and said, “I’m kidding. You know I love you.”


I stood up and asked, “Are you going to be around for a while? I want to go through my stuff and figure out what to pack.”

He got up, too. “Actually, I need to change and get going. River and Cole are moving into a bigger commercial kitchen today for their catering business, and I offered to help them clean it. Why did I do that?”

“Because you’re a nice person.”

“I should try being meaner,” he said with a grin, as we both headed to our rooms. “Then I could just be lazy all day, instead of doing gross shit like scrubbing greasy-ass grills.”

Once I was alone in my bedroom, I took a deep breath and tried to get my emotions under control. I’d tried to act like this was no big deal because I didn’t want to upset Ash, and I knew our friendship would be just fine, even when we were living in different places. But things were changing, and I had a hard time with that.

I tried to distract myself by taking off my wrinkled suit and finding something else to wear. I wanted to look nice for Micah, so I selected a sexy pair of briefs, a pair of jeans that fit like a glove, and a nice, royal blue button-down shirt.

Then I rolled up my sleeves and turned my attention to my wardrobe. My suits and dressier clothes could stay behind, because it wasn’t like Micah could take me out to dinner—or anyplace else, for that matter.

I was filling a suitcase when Ash stuck his head into my room a few minutes later. “I’m going to take off, but I’ll talk to you soon,” he said. “We should set up a regular time each week to get together. Text me, and let’s make some plans.”

“Will do. Take care, Ash.”

The apartment felt so empty after he left. This was what would be waiting for me once he moved out. It had been wonderful sharing my home with a friend, someone I cared about and who actually cared about me. I tried to tell myself I’d been alone before and could do it again, but that wasn’t exactly reassuring.