“Megan.” His growl was low and deep, filled with gravel almost like it was difficult to speak through his desire.

My head popped up and I stared down at my husband, hands on his sculpted chest as my hips rolled faster and faster, my pleasure growing exponentially at the heat in his eyes, the way he held me and loved me.

Shit. He loved me.

I shook off the thought. Of course he loved me, I was his wife. We’d been dating since we were kids, practically babies. But the way he looked at me now, with a hint of a smile through his erotic anguish, blue eyes nearly bursting with emotion, it finally sank in.

Casey loved me. He was in love with me.

On the heels of that thought, came another. I love him too.

That thought and the confidence it gave me, pushed me forward. I moved faster, with more intense focus on his pleasure, licking the muscles of his neck, sucking his earlobe, flicking my tongue over his nipples, while my hips moved desperately, eager and hungry for the pleasure that was building up inside of me. “Yes, Casey.”

He let out a growl that I felt ricochet through my whole body like a pinball, his fingertips dug deep into my hips and a moment later I was flat on my back. “Megan, babe. Fuck me, you feel so good.” He thrust in long, deep strokes that sent goosebumps racing up and down my flesh. And when his mouth landed on my breast, sucking my nipple nice and hard, his strokes sped up.

Fast. Deep. It was perfect. And moments later I climbed to the summit and together, we fell. It was glorious. It felt like a new beginning.

My alarm sounded just then, breaking through my bliss even as I sucked in air to slow down my racing heart. “Perfect timing.”

“You’re perfect,” Casey growled and kissed his way up my body until his mouth was on mine. “Totally fucking perfect.”

“Mmm, that was perfect. I love…it. And I need to shower. Baking beckons.”

Casey growled and pressed a kiss to my collarbone. “Too soon.”

“Yeah, but there’s time for a quick shower.”

His head popped up and a smile spread across his handsome face. “How quick?”

“Ten minutes. Max.”

We both scrambled off the bed and into the shower, for the dirtiest shower I’d ever had in my life. The most fun too, at least that I could remember.

I reached automatically for the coffeepot and the smell made my stomach flip. I frowned.

“You all right?” Casey looked at me with concern.

I shrugged it off. “Yeah. Think I’ll skip the coffee this morning. I had a pretty good pick me up. Twice.” I winked and pushed on my toes for a quick kiss before rushing towards the door. “Love you. Bye!”

It wasn’t until I was alone inside the bakery that what I’d said started to sink in. Love you. Bye!

What in the hell was I thinking, just blurting it out like that?

I wasn’t. It was instinctive, the words fell from my lips as if I’d always said them to Casey as I rushed out the door to get to work. It was a memory, but it hadn’t come to me in a flash, it was just sort of inside of me.

Just like Casey.

The admission had me shaken and I tried to shove it down for later and focus on getting the bakery ready for the first rush of the day. I had to focus on something, anything but the fact that I told my husband that I loved him and then rushed out before I could see the expression on his face.

“Coward,” I growled at myself as I stacked the display case with muffins and cupcakes, cookies, breads, rolls and more. I was a coward because I didn’t know if Casey would welcome the words. I wanted to believe that he’d been waiting to hear them, but a small part of me thought he was waiting for his sweet, docile wife to return so he could hear the words from her.

I stood too fast and the room spun, but only for a moment. “Must be too hot in here.” I went to the kitchen and put a cold towel around my neck before I got back to work. I made the most of the final hour before the bakery opened, ignoring the nausea that creeped up every now and again.

By the time the bakery opened, I had to admit, at least to myself that Dr. Reynolds had a point and maybe I wasn’t ready to return to the bakery full-time. Not to baking, anyway. The customers, I could handle with a sweet smile and a little bit of friendly conversation.

The doors opened and Jen was the first one inside, a wide smile on her face as she marched towards the register. “Megan, honey, everyone has been talking about Essie’s Peppermint Surprise and I just had to make sure I was the first in line to try them out today. I’ll take a dozen.”