All I had were maybes, and that only stressed me out even more. The whipping motion allowed me to focus my anger and frustration on something productive, and hours later I had a layered hazelnut icebox cake to show for it. And about three dozen peppermint and coconut meringues, and some pineapple ones I decided to test out, because why not?

Once they were cool, I packed them up and made the rounds at different business in town, ending with Ryan’s auto shop, because it was time to see Titus, who was apparently my favorite little boy in town.

“Megan!” Titus spotted me first and his little legs carried him across the shop, ducking and dodging all manner of car repair equipment before he slammed into my legs and squeezed tight.

“Titus. Did you get bigger since I last saw you?” I smiled when he nodded against my body.

He pulled up and looked up at me with a snaggle-toothed smile. “Ryan said I grew almost half an inch, and that’s this big,” he said, eyes wide and his hands about six inches apart.

“Soon you’ll be as big as me.”

His violet eyes studied me for a long time and when I bent down, Titus held my face in his little hands to examine every detail of my face. “You look the same.”

“That’s a good thing, right? Unless I have spinach in my teeth. Do I have spinach in my teeth?”

“Ew, no.” He shook his head, an adorable frown on his face.

“Should I look different?”

He shrugged. “Mrs. Brown said you weren’t acting like yourself, so I thought maybe you would look different.”

So Casey wasn’t the only one who’d noticed. Maybe I was the problem.

“I’m glad you’re feeling better. Are you all better now?”

“Not quite, but I’m starting to remember more each day. I remember how much you love coconut and I made something for you test out.”

Titus threw his body against mine and hugged me tightly. “I missed you, Megan.”

“I missed you too, kiddo.”

Two tall shadows fell over us and I looked up to find Ryan and Persy staring down at us, wearing matching smiles. “What’s with the cake?” Ryan asked the question while he wiped oil and grease from his hands.

I stood and handed Titus a meringue before I turned my attention to the adults. “This is a hazelnut icebox cake, for you. Next time you host one of those car gatherings, maybe you’ll want to order some snacks for the attendees, and if you do, maybe you’ll think of me?”

Persy gasped, her violet eyes wide with surprise. “Does that mean you’re finally expanding Sweet Treats?”

I nodded. “It does. Do you think it’s a dumb idea?”

“You’re kidding, right? I’ve been trying to get you to put that notebook into action for more than a year. This is so exciting!”

“It is?” Then why was Casey so angry about it?

“Hell yeah it is. Now let’s try out these goodies, shall we?” Persy took the box containing the cake back to Ryan’s office and used a plastic fork to cut herself a small piece. She closed her eyes and moaned, and I noticed Ryan couldn’t look away. “Damn Meg, that is delicious. Absolutely divine. Meringue?”

I nodded. “Yes.” The word came out on a sigh and I should have realized my perceptive friend might pick up on that.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” I answered quickly and turned to Ryan. “Your turn.”

He shrugged. “I’m happy to taste anything you make, Megan, but I don’t really do refreshments. If I change my mind, you’ll be the first foodie I call.”

“Thanks, Ryan. Keep the cake, pass the word around.”

“Will do.” He grabbed a meringue and went in search of Titus.

Persy waited until Ryan’s deep voice sounded in a soft whisper before she turned to me, a question in her eyes. “What happened?”

“Casey was a jerk. Again. I don’t want to talk about it.” I already spent too much time obsessing over him and his opinion. “You didn’t try the meringue.”

She sighed. “Egg whites with sugar? Gross, but for you, I will try them.” I held my breath and watched her expression carefully. I didn’t want anyone to put on a good face for the girl who lost her memory, I wanted the truth.

“Be honest.”

Persy sighed. “I still don’t enjoy the texture or the fact that I’m eating egg whites, but they are tasty. That pineapple one has me reconsidering my stance on meringue, though.”

“You mean it?”

“Yes. In fact, I think this calls for a celebration. You and me, Hannah and Gus.” She pulled out her phone and tapped the screen. “I’ll call Teddy too, and we’ll meet up at The Outpost.”

I sighed, because that’s exactly what I needed, girl time, and I hadn’t realized it until Persy declared an impromptu girls’ night. “Fine, but I can’t stay out too late or drink too much. I have another appointment with Dr. Reynolds in the morning.” And I would need a clear head if I was going to convince the doctor to let me return to the bakery for full shifts. It would help me get the expansion off the ground, and get me away from the tension at home.