Instantly my cock was hard again and I carried my wife upstairs and made love to her once again.

It was perfect.


I lie in bed wide awake after about two hours of restful sleep. Casey was knocked out beside me, a soft snore telling me he wasn’t having the same trouble as I was entering dream land. I figured after hours of sex and then eating my weight in Thai food, I’d be sleeping like a baby.

Apparently I figured wrong.

My body was deliciously exhausted after all those orgasms, but my mind wouldn’t quit, wouldn’t stop spinning and churning at all the things I’d learned over the past hour as memories flashed on a reel each time I closed my eyes.

My mom’s funeral, with Casey’s handsome but solemn face at my side.

Casey proposing to me. Twice.

Watching Gus and Antonio flirt at the bakery.

Persy and Ryan dancing around each other in our backyard. Inside the bakery. At Ryan’s auto shop.

Christmas. Thanksgiving. Easter. New Year’s Day. Holidays one right after other the other, spent with Jen and Bob.

So many memories came at me that I felt overwhelmed by the life I’d had up to this point. The love I’d amassed for a woman in her twenties. It felt good. And terrifying.

I knew those few flashes weren’t all of my memories, but they were a lot of them. And they were a good start.

Casey and I were…a dream. In flash after flash, I could see just how ridiculously in love we were. But it wasn’t just the love I witnessed in his eyes and mine as we gazed at each other, but we seemed to genuinely like each other. Like he said earlier, we told each other everything. We shared every detail, nothing was too small or too big to go without a mention.

It helped me understand why he’d been so upset about the notebook of plans for the bakery.

It helped me understand this insatiable craving I had for him. It wasn’t just because he was hot and smart and charming. It was because I was totally in love with this man. The one thing that hadn’t changed was that the Megan before the accident and the Megan I was today, we both loved Casey Jackson with everything we had.

It was a comforting and disturbing thought and the one thought that propelled me from bed and down the steps to the kitchen. I only stopped to grab one of Casey’s undershirts and put it on as I made my way down the stairs, determined to bake my way out of this conundrum.

I grabbed flour and sugar, butter, vanilla and amaretto, and busied myself creaming the butter and sugar by hand so I wouldn’t wake Casey. After two batches of cookies went in the oven, I still couldn’t stop thinking about those memories, of how in love we were.

How could I have fallen in love with Casey when I didn’t know him? Not really, and worse, he didn’t know me. I could see it when I did something new or unfamiliar to him. I could see the surprise on his face when a curse word flew easily from my mouth, or when I initiated sex.

We were strangers. Married strangers.

And worse, I was in love with him.

“What’s wrong?”

Casey’s deep voice didn’t just interrupt my scattered thoughts, he scared me. I let out a scream and threw the bowl of flour, salt, baking powder and baking soda that I was adding to the wet ingredients, in the air. A pat of sugar coated butter flew across the counter and landed smack in the middle of his chest.

“Casey,” I shouted with my hand to my racing heart, “you scared the shit out of me!”

Casey marched around the counter and put his big, warm hands on my shoulders, staring at me until our gazes locked. “Is everything all right? Are you feeling okay? Any type of headache? Dizziness? Did you lose consciousness?” His worry was sweet, but he smelled like sex and his bare chest with too close for me to think clearly.

“I’m fine,” I assured him and plucked the butter sugar mixture from his chest, before I distracted myself by washing my hands and sweeping up the fallen cookie ingredients.

“Are you sure, because I called your name five times and you said nothing. It’s like you were in a trance.”

“I guess I was just lost in some memories. No, not some memories, quite a few actually.”

His shoulders relaxed and Casey wrapped his arms around me. “That’s good, Megs. Really great.”

I shrugged away from his touch, at those words, spoken so sweetly and sincerely. His eyes were filled with happiness, but I couldn’t believe it. “Are you really happy, Casey? Because I get the impression that some parts of me are new to you. Will you still love me if I don’t go back to being the Megan you fell in love with?”