I shrugged. “I wish I knew.”

She nodded and picked up the chopsticks again. “DO you think it’s because we’ve been working different shifts?”

“Maybe,” I conceded.

Megan nodded again and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “Do you think that maybe I just wanted to enjoy what little time we had together instead of talking about work? Did that ever occur to you, Casey?”

I blinked at her words because they surprised me. Not the question, but the answer. The fact that it hadn’t occurred to me that maybe my wife just wanted to spend time with me, shocked me.


“Cool.” That one word came out sharp and deceptively devoid of emotion. She did that nod thing that women did when they were angry but pretended they weren’t. Then it appeared, anger, all over her beautiful face. “So you thought I was just keeping things from you for the sake of secrecy? You thought I was keeping secrets. Is that something I would do?”

“You’re mad.” She was beyond mad, I’d been with Megan long enough to recognize the signs. The way her teeth ground together, the increase in her pulse and most of all, the way her hands couldn’t stop fidgeting.

She sighed and shook her head. “I’m not mad, Casey. I don’t know why I would keep secrets from you and I’m looking to you, my husband, to figure it out. I’m looking to you for answers, so please, tell me why you think I would keep the business plans a secret?”

Her question took me by surprise and it shouldn’t have. But I played for time, letting out a long sigh as I rubbed both hands over my hair and down my face. “Because, Megs, you’re an amazing baker. A talented pastry chef, and you are the only one who doesn’t realize it. You act like my job is so much more important than yours because I’m a neurosurgeon, but you are amazing too Megs. So fucking amazing.”

“That’s not an answer. You got mad because I’m amazing and I don’t know it?”

“No,” I answered honestly. “I got mad because we talk about everything together. Everything. Except this, apparently.”

Her expression softened and a small smile touched her lips before she lifted her chin high in the air. “Well I don’t remember that insecurity, and I’m done with that shit. I am good at what I do, even if I don’t save lives. And I’m expanding the business.”


“Great,” she shot back, her lips twitching with unspent laughter. “Was that our first fight?”

I laughed and shook my head. “Hardly. It was probably our fifty-thousandth fight, Megs.”

She blinked. “It was? We fight a lot.” It wasn’t a question.

“Yes. About everything, but rarely anything serious.”

Megan nodded and mulled over my words before she shot a mischievous smile my way. “Do we have make up sex after we fight?”

Hell yeah. “Sometimes. Most of the time, yeah.”

“Let’s do that, then.” My wife rounded the corner, erotic intent written all over her face, and took the flowers from my hand. “These are beautiful, by the way. Thank you.”

“Um, you’re welcome.”

She smiled a moment before she jumped into my arms and slammed her mouth against mine, kissing me possessively. Her hands cupped my face, her legs wrapped around my waist while she devoured me. It was so unlike Megan. I mean, she wanted me, and I knew that. We had a very active, if not particularly adventurous, sex life, and I didn’t mind. Anytime I could get my wife naked and make her scream, was a good time.

But this, this was different. This was her coming for me. Wanting me. Showing me how much she wanted me. “Yeah, let’s do this now. Right here, right now.”

I palmed her ass and smiled. “What the wife wants, the wife gets.”

“Oh, I like the sound of that,” she joked and licked a trail of heat around my mouth. “The wife wants you, Casey. Just you.”

Part of me knew it was the alcohol talking, but that shuddery breath she released was all for me. It was pure lust combined with heat. “I’m right here, Megs. Have me.”

And she did. Right there in the kitchen, she tore off my clothes and sank onto my cock, giving me a delicious view of her perfect tits as she brought herself to orgasm with very little help from me.

Then, I laid her out on the kitchen table and had my wicked way with her, making her come over and over again until she begged me to stop. “Casey, please.” When she begged me to stop, I slowed down, prolonging her pleasure until she couldn’t take it anymore. “Yes,” she moaned and I pulled the trigger one final time.

“How does Thai food in bed sound?”

Megan purred and let her fingers dance in my hair. “Like the perfect thing to have. After I’ve had a taste of you.”