I push open the door to find Finn sitting at my desk, his fingers flying across the keyboard of his laptop. He casts a quick glance at me before turning his attention back to the screen.

“What’s going on?” I ask as I settle on the edge of my desk beside him. He’s typing out an email with a list of orders, which he hits send on before he leans back in my chair.

“It turns out Paulo isn’t the one running things,” he informs me. “Harris spent some time with our guest, and he’s confessed a few more truths that make more sense.” Finn is focused when I lean closer to peer at the screen. There’s no telling how much he’s done throughout the night.

“Okay…” I draw the word out because I’m tense enough, and I don’t need Finn fucking around with information on this bastard. “Have you slept?”

He shakes his head. “Listen to this. He’s linked to an infamous ringleader of a drug trade that has moved its way from Cuba to LA over the past few years. This came to the forefront of his confession.” Finn opens a browser of news articles before turning the laptop toward me. I scan the headlines, and my chest tightens with anxiety.

“Jesus.” The word falls free before I have time to consider my response. Looks like the man who’s in our basement is merely a lackey of a crime boss. “So, why did he target Kalyn? I mean, it doesn’t look like her father has any links to this man.”

“He doesn’t.” Finn’s agreement has me pushing to my feet. If my brother doesn’t tell me what’s going on, I’m going to lift him by his neck and shake the information out of him. “The leader, whatever you want to call him, was running drugs, and Kalyn’s little addiction got her caught up in his web when she was spotted in one of his nightclubs. Hence, Paulo jumped at the chance to pull her in and get her hooked. The shit that Paulo was giving her was from his boss. This guy’s MO is to get girls thoroughly hooked, bring them back time and again until they’re lost to it. And then…” Finn’s words trail off, and my stomach drops when he looks at me.

“This doesn’t have anything to do with the drugs. Does it?” I don’t need him to answer me because when he shakes his head, the realization that my ideas are correct has my blood boiling. “He’s selling these girls.”

Kalyn is young, beautiful, and loved by men, which means she’d be easy to get money for. That thought doesn’t calm me.

“But can we take this bastard on? I mean… This isn’t some jealous ex or abusive fiancé. This is a criminal organization.”

“It is,” Finn agrees. “I’ve spoken to Harris; we need to sit down with him and talk to him. He has his men who can help. Dad doesn’t know anything yet. We have to do something. Girls are going missing every day. He sends his men out to lure the women with drugs, promises of diamond rings, and lavish weddings. Every house and club Paulo took Kalyn to—”

“Were this bastard’s properties.” I finish Finn’s sentence as the pieces fall into place. “Fuck.” My fist makes contact with the desk as anger surges through me at the thought of Kalyn almost being sold to some fucker who’d only break her further.

“We’ll sort this out,” Finn says, his gaze filled with conviction, and I wonder how my little brother turned into such an adult without me noticing. He’s always been the kid who fucked up shit, and now he’s the one telling me what our plans are. “Oh, and Damien is coming home in a couple of days. Hopefully, we can sort this out before our brother arrives.”

“I doubt it will be over by then. Perhaps he can help.” I stare at nothing in particular, my mind playing through all the scenarios. If we can get this crime boss in here, under the guise that we want to speak to him, perhaps get into the trade, we can take him down.

He nods. “I’m sure he’ll happily step in if needed,” he says, and I should know our brother will never let us face this shit alone. “Harris has the team in. They’re being briefed on this leader we’re going after.”

“Manny Lopez?” I sneer his name with venom lacing every syllable as if it will kill him. I wish it would because I’d love to see the fucker take his last breath.

“He’s pure filth from what I’ve read up on,” Finn informs me when he pulls up an article, and I lean in to quickly scan some of it. By the time I get halfway through, my stomach churns with disgust.

“I’ve seen enough.”

“How’s your girl?” Finn asks, thankfully changing the subject. “Any more shakes?”