“Well, this guy has been in her life for a couple of years, the parents seem to have accepted him, but from her phone records, she’s not had any contact with anyone other than her folks, and him, for those two years he’s been around.” Finn leans back, resting his left ankle over his right knee, and laces his fingers behind his head. His dark brow lifts ever so slightly when he watches me make sense of what he’s just said.

“You’re trying to tell me he’s keeping her as some sort of prisoner?” The incredulous tone of my voice is evidence enough that I’m holding onto my restraint by a thread. I’m ready to make this fucker pay, to hurt him in ways that will make his worst nightmares seem like childhood dreams.

“It seems his money is,” Finn says before picking up his pinging cell phone and scrolling through what I can only assume is information he’s just received. He turns the screen toward me, showing me the email from Harris. This Morales asshole is loaded, and it seems the Narros got into trouble when they left Thorne Haven. I have a feeling they were hoping Kalyn’s career would help them out of it.

I do notice something of interest in the bank statements, stopping my scrolling and looking at my brother. “There are payments going out of his account to some hospital in Hollywood. Do you think he’s paying for her father’s treatments?”

“More than likely.” Finn nods slowly. “Which means Kalyn probably agreed to marry this bastard because he’s ensuring her dad is getting medical care.”

“But that still doesn’t explain the rehab lie,” I tell my brother as the pieces fall into place. If she didn’t get treatment for her addiction, it means she’s still taking that shit. “Do you think he’s—?”

“Force-feeding her drugs to keep her compliant?” Finn finishes my thought and nods in response. “I don’t see why not. He seems to be controlling all of them. The mother works as an assistant at some film studio, which has the Morales name written all over the ownership documents,” Finn continues as he takes the phone and taps the screen. “And…” he whispers, stopping at a particular spot on the document before handing me his phone.

I scan the words, but my vision blurs when I take in just what I’m reading. My blood turns to ice, but the rage burning in my gut feels as if a volcano is about to erupt. I’ve been angry at people before; I’ve even made sure those who crossed a Thorne paid. But this is something else. And when I get my hands on Paulo Morales, I’ll ensure he never sees the light of day again.

I glance at Finn who’s smirking because he knows what’s running through my mind—vengeance. There are times it seems he can read my thoughts, and there’s one thing I can depend on when it comes to my youngest brother, he’s always up for a fight.

“When I get home from meeting with her,” I start, handing Finn his cell phone before I crush it in my fist, “we make our plans.” It’s almost time for me to leave. Knowing she’ll be there at seven has me anxious because I don’t want to miss this chance to talk to her, to get everything out in the open, and hear her side of the story.

“I’ll be here, ready and waiting,” Finn informs me before pushing to his feet and heading for the door. “Let me know when you get back; I’ll be in my room doing some more research.”

For a few moments, after he walks out, I consider what I want to do to Kalyn’s fake fiancé, because that’s what he is. There’s no way she can love this bastard. He’s nothing more than a bully.

Grabbing my wallet, keys, and phone, I make my way out to the garage and slide into the driver’s seat of my stormy gray SUV with blacked-out windows. I turn on the engine, and the speakers blare out one of my favorite songs. One that reminds me of a time when things were less complicated, and all I wanted to do was claim Kalyn. “Peace of Mind” by Villain of the Story fills the car as I make my way to meet the girl I’ve wanted since I first laid eyes on her.

She’s been through hell.

She’s been alone through all this.

I haven’t yet forgiven her for what she did to me, but I’m nowhere near as cruel as this motherfucking Paulo Morales is. I wanted to make her pay, to ensure she leaves Thorne Haven and never returns, but that was all my smokescreen. As I pull up to the entrance of our old party spot, I realize that what I really wanted was Kalyn in my arms, screaming my name as I finally claim what has always been mine—her.