“He’s… controlling. He makes sure I stay healthy.” Her lie is clear. I could always tell when Kalyn was lying to me, and right now, it’s so fucking obvious, bells are going off in my head. “Please leave!”



He looks at me for a long time before he implores, “Meet me this afternoon, tell him you’re going to see Gen or someone else from school.” My stomach tumbles, and my stomach flutters with hummingbird wings. It’s been far too long since I’ve felt these emotions. Need. Want. Desire. And love.


“Do it,” he orders before he spins on his heel and steps over the threshold. A quick glance over his shoulder and those teal eyes penetrate my armor, sending me spiraling when he says, “I need to see you. Give me an hour. Tonight, at the cemetery.” And then he’s gone, and I’m left alone with a wildly thudding heart. Leaning on the door frame, I watch his car snake down the drive and disappear through the ornate gates that my father had custom-made—when we still had money.

I don’t know how I’ll get away from Paulo’s watchful gaze, but as Cassian said, I could just tell him I’m going to see Gen. She may not be my best friend, but maybe I could use her name for now, and apologize later. Hell knows we’re all not perfect, especially in this pristine little town. There is a darkness that seems to hover over it.

“Kalyn?” Paulo’s tone startles me, causing me to spin around and find him at the top of the steps. “What are you doing?”

“Just enjoying the fresh air and the view.” Even though it’s a lie, he can’t dispute it because the view of the town from our front door is spectacular.

“Come inside,” Paulo orders, his voice terse with annoyance, and I close the door before a fight breaks out. I never realized until now how little things are eating away at me. Small things he does make me anxious.

“I’d like to go out this evening to see an old friend,” I tell him as I make my way up the steps. “She’s the only girl I really know from school.” I tack on, making sure I mention that the friend in question is female.

“You have an hour,” he tells me easily, and my anxiety untwists itself as I breathe deeply. He doesn’t take too much notice of me as he turns away after throwing out the order, so I allow myself to smile.

I nod mostly to myself, and I say, “Sure.”

The moment to face Cassian again has come. Paulo allowed me to leave the house, which was surprising even after he said it was okay. Most times, he’ll change his mind on a whim, and that normally leaves me with nothing to do or requires me to fulfill his needs.

I’m standing at the entrance of the cemetery, trying to build up the courage to walk inside. I saw Cassian’s car, so I know he’s here, but still, my nerves have taken hold.

Taking a few steps through the gate that hangs open from being broken, I enter the cemetery. My feet move of their own accord because my stomach is twisting in knots as I move closer to the center, where I know a mausoleum sits in the middle of the graves like a king overlooking his countrymen.

“I didn’t think you’d make it.” Cassian’s voice comes out of the darkness, startling me. I spin around to find him sitting on a gravestone, his arms folded across his chest as if he’s comfortable in a place like this.

Thorne Haven holds many secrets. The town itself has seen some intriguing events, but nothing I know too much about. However, I know Cassian’s family has been here since the beginning. They founded this town with the Havens, and if I were to guess, there are still many hidden truths that lie buried with those who passed away long ago.

Granted, this was the place we would spend most of our time in. I found it calming, and I would find peace amongst death. I remember asking him about Thorne Haven many times in the years of our friendship, and he would always brush it off. I don’t know the entire history, but I have a feeling Cassian’s family has hidden secrets he doesn’t want to come out.

“I almost didn’t,” I tell him honestly. I don’t move closer to where he is, I stick to the path, so if I needed to run for whatever reason, I could find my way out.

Even though the moon shines down on us, there’s not much visibility where we are. Cassian’s dressed in black, with a white tank top from what I can tell as his hoodie hangs off his left shoulder.

“What did you want?” I ask, wanting to get this over with, but in the same breath, wanting him to keep me here. If he were to kidnap me, perhaps I would be free of the man who’s truly holding me hostage.