The hate he’s spewing has been rightly earned. I can’t apologize because what I did was more than wrong; it was unacceptable. I allowed the lie about him to flourish without stopping it. I knew if I had told my father that I willingly went out to lose myself, he wouldn’t believe me. They always saw me as the good girl. So, I lied, only to wake up to a nightmare.

“I cared about you so much.” My voice is merely a whisper, and I wonder how he can hear me, but Cassian has always heard me. Even in the deepest, darkest of nights, he would listen to me.

It was as if we were in tune with each other. He moved, I moved. He spoke, I finished his sentence. But the link was broken, and it was because of me.

“Caring for someone means you stand by them like I did with you all those years. You don’t lie about their intentions.” His voice is husky with emotion, and all I want to do is pull him into my arms and cry.

But I don’t, instead, I look at him and say, “I didn’t mean to.”

“But you still did it, and that’s never going to change,” he throws back in response. “You’re a liar, little Kaly, a little liar.”

“I-I… I’m truly sorry, Cassian. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” And even now, after all these years, my heart cracks. I blink, and the tears trickle from my lashes, creating a long, burning trail down my cheeks. When I open my eyes once more, I meet those teal orbs that always offered me solace. Now all they gift me is chaos.

Cass takes a step closer to me until he’s in my personal space. His body looms over mine, the heat of him scorching me, and I welcome the flames. He leans in, his mouth closing the distance between us, and for a moment, I think he’s going to kiss me. And shockingly, or not, I want him to.

But he doesn’t press his lips to mine; instead, he stops at my ear. “If you think this is over,” he threatens, “you're sorely mistaken, little liar.” A shudder wracks my frame, his hot breath leaving goosebumps in its wake when he pushes away from me. “That piece of shit you’re engaged to,” Cassian says, the contempt in his tone is clear, “he has nothing on me. Because I have my own brand of punishment, and when I get you alone and trust me, I will, I’ll make sure you beg and plead.”

He lifts his hand, cupping my face tightly, then trails his touch down to my neck before he grips it harshly. His fingers dig into the skin, and I wonder if he’ll mark me. If when I wake up tomorrow morning, I’ll be bruised by his touch.

“I will make you want nothing more than my cock in that little cunt,” Cassian vows. “I’ll finally give you what you need, and I don’t give a shit if you’re married or not. Because when I take you, I’m going to make you feel me, and only me. And when I walk away, you’ll always feel the emptiness of me.”

He turns to leave, and for a second, I want to call out to him to tell him to stay. I want to explain, to try and fix things, but I know it’s no use because he’s convinced himself that making me hurt will make this right.

Only, he doesn’t know just how much I’m already suffering.



When I rejoin the party, I find Paulo standing with a few people I haven’t met before. The infamous gala has always brought strangers to town who want to experience the parties of Thorne Haven.

I step up beside him, still shaking from the encounter with Cassian. My feelings for him haven’t changed. There is no doubt I still love him. As I always have.

His hand lands on my lower back, a warning in his firm touch, even though there’s a smile on his face. It’s a look he’s perfected in front of strangers. He likes to ensure the façade is visible to those who might see the truth. “I couldn’t find you,” he whispers, keeping his voice low so I’m the only one who can hear him.

“I’m sorry.” There’s no way I can tell him where I was. My mind is still a mess; my heart, on the other hand, knows what it wants, what it’s always wanted.

Cassian isn’t an old teenage crush. He’s the man I love, and I know I’ll never stop loving him. I glance around only to find Finn watching us from a distance. His dark gaze pierces me when I lock my stare on his.

The corner of his mouth quirks, and he tips his head to the side as he regards me. Moments later, Cassian saunters up beside his brother. In his hand, he’s carrying a bottle of what I can only guess is vodka—his drink of choice. He watches me for a long while.