“Yeah,” Finn says, his gaze flicking to the floor before meeting mine once more. “But you’re not Damien, and Kalyn is certainly not Nesrin.” I know he’s right, but we all have our own baggage, our own trauma.

“I need to go check on her,” I say suddenly, earning me an arched brow from my brother. “Just to make sure she’s not losing her mind. I don’t know what he’s got her on, and you saw her shaking like a leaf earlier.”

“I did. It’s not going to be easy,” Finn tells me something I’ve already thought of, and that’s why I need to be with her. I shouldn’t have left her alone. “If you need anything…” He allows his words to trickle into silence, and all I can do is nod.

By the time I reach the door to the room Kalyn is in, I’m anxious about what I’m going to find. Attempting to be cold and aloof isn’t going to work this time; I should’ve realized it earlier, but I’m out of my depth.

When I open the door and step inside, I find her curled on the bed, her body trembling, her whimpers alerting me to her state. My chest tightens when I look at her, so small, so fragile, and so strung out, she hasn’t realized I’ve walked into the room yet.

I shut the door behind me and stalk toward her, hoping not to alarm her when I reach the bed. She’s tossing and turning, and when she cries out, I reach for her, my fingertips trailing over her cheek. That’s when her eyes snap open, and her gaze flicks up; a scream is wrenched from her throat that bounces against the four walls.

“Hey,” I call to her, my hands out in an attempt to placate her. I woke her by accident, a nightmare clearly taking hold of her. “Look at me, Kaly,” I speak, but her eyes are wide. How she transformed from a girl who could focus only an hour ago to someone who’s so shattered is beyond me. “It’s Cass,” I tell her, praying with all I have that she recognizes me.

“Cass?” Her voice breaks, the pain that laces her words makes it difficult to breathe. Seeing her like this is not easy, I didn’t expect it, but now that she’s here, in front of me, I have to be strong for her.

“Yes, come here,” I coo, keeping my voice low, a whisper, and the moment the words leave my lips, she’s crawling over the mattress until she’s cocooned in my arms. Her shaking doesn’t subside immediately, and when I wrap my arms around her, I pull her into my body in the hopes that the warmth will ease her suffering somewhat.

Maybe he gave her something before she met with me because this makes no sense. She was shaking earlier, but now it’s as if she has a fever, and my gut twists with nervous energy as I try to recall what was on the medical records Harris found.

Her whimpering calms the longer I hold her, and when Kalyn stops shaking so violently, I lean back, trying to catch her focus. When those pretty eyes lock on me, she smiles a guilty, shy grin that makes my heart do stupid shit. She’s the only girl who has ever made me feel any kind of emotion. Before her, and even with her, I never expected or wanted to have my heart twist in agony at her pain, or want to protect her like I now do.

“Would you like to take a hot shower?” I ask her, ensuring I don’t raise my voice above a whisper. She hasn’t moved from my arms, but the way her head tips up in my direction is evidence that she can hear me.

“Yes, please,” Kaly whispers before nuzzling her face in the crook of my neck, and once again, that organ that’s been hidden in a locked box for so many years thuds against my ribs, reminding me I can feel.

I lift her in my arms as if she were my bride and carry her to the attached bathroom. Setting her on the counter, I step away and take her in. There’s a small grateful smile curling her lips, which makes me happy. She’ll be okay; she’s strong. All I need is for her to realize she has the strength to get through this.

I turn the taps on before turning back to her. “I’m going to be in the room. When you’re done—”

“No, please!” Her voice is shrill with panic, her eyes widen as she looks up at me. “Just… Wait here.” Her plea has my body and mind twisted with need because all I want is to see her strip down, but also, I know I can’t touch her until she’s healthy again. I don’t want to fuck with her mind even more than that bastard Paulo’s done.