“This is where you’ll sleep tonight,” Cassian says from behind me, causing me to spin on my heel. I’m exhausted. Emotionally, physically, and mentally. It’s been a while since I forced myself to think about the baby. Even though it was early in the pregnancy, I still feel this emptiness that shouldn’t be there.

“He’s going to call,” I tell Cassian. “He won’t stop until he’s found me. He thinks I’m with Genevieve. It was the only way I could get out of the house without him following.”

Cassian nods. “Give me your phone.” It’s an order, one that I accept and obey immediately as I hand over the device. It’s not locked. It’s never been because that way, Paulo can see who I’ve been contacting.

All this time, I’ve been stuck in this abusive circle, and I didn’t even think to get out. That’s not true, I have wondered what it would be like to be free, but with my father’s treatment at the forefront of my mind, I didn’t think I had a choice.

“Why are you helping me?” I ask Cassian as he taps out something on my phone. I should look to see what he’s doing, but I’m too tired to fight any more tonight. I’ve been tired for a long time, but with the drugs that have kept me going, it didn’t fully hit me until now.

My hands are still trembling as I stand and watch Cassian. The silver chain that hangs around his neck is so familiar, and I focus on it, trying to recall where it’s from.

But when he lifts his gaze to mine, all thoughts in my mind wash away. He stalks toward me, stopping inches from me. The warmth of his cedar cologne engulfs me, consuming my worries and calming me.

“Because no matter what, I’ll always be your rock,” he affirms before tugging my chin between his thumb and forefinger. His lips brush along mine, and the heat of his breath wafts over me, taking me prisoner.

“I thought you wanted to see me pay for what I did?” I don’t know why I’m challenging him like this, poking the bear while it’s asleep, but I can’t help myself. It’s how we’ve always been—me, a sassy little shit, and him, a demanding bastard.

“I do.” His whisper feathers along my lips. “And I’ll make you pay, on my terms,” he tells me, and I don’t doubt for a moment that he’s telling the truth. “You need sleep. I’ve handled your fiancé for tonight,” he spits the word as if it’s poison on his tongue. “I’ll be back in the morning to bring you breakfast.”

Suddenly, he releases me, pushing away from me as if I’ve burned him. A shiver wracks through me when I realize he’s about to lock me in this room.

“Cassian, please don’t—”

“There’s water in the fridge,” he says as he points to a small under-counter cooler. “And the bathroom is through that door.” I take in where he’s gesturing. “Don’t try anything stupid because I’ll know.” And then he’s gone.

Racing to the door, I bang on the wooden surface, and I wonder if he’s standing on the other side listening to me beg. My mind is whirling with thoughts, fears, questions. My hands are shaking even more now than they were earlier.

The room is comfortable with the enormous bed I’m currently lying on. In my attempt to calm my erratic heartbeat, I focus on my surroundings and take in the off-white curtains and the mirror that sits across the windows.

It’s a lovely bedroom, and I wish I could truly enjoy the space, but my mind is racing. The sky outside is black with no moon or stars in sight. I should get up and close the drapes, but my legs are trembling.

Closing my eyes, I breathe deeply, fisting my hands and unclenching them. “I’m okay. I can do this. Cassian is going to help me.” My stomach twists as anxiety takes hold, and the need for something to ease my nervous energy is at the forefront of my mind.

Usually, this is the time Paulo would give me something to calm me down, to allow me to sleep peacefully. But tonight, I’m going cold turkey, and I’m not sure I’ll survive the night.



In my bedroom, I’m anxious. Knowing she’s only downstairs, locked up tight, has me aching to go to her, to heal the pain I saw so clearly in her eyes. But if I did that, I wouldn’t be able to stop until she was nothing more than a whimpering mess. And her coming off whatever the fuck Paulo got her addicted to isn’t going to be easy for her.

Pulling out my phone, I hit call on Ulrich’s number. The doctor I’ve known all my life has always been a help when needed, and this time, he’s going to have to be here for my girl.