“I didn’t mean to hurt you,” she finally says. Her hands shake as she reaches for me, and I wonder if she’s going through withdrawals or if she’s nervous to touch me. When her fingertips land on my arm, sparks shoot through me like they always have when we made contact.

Her heat is my drug.

Her touch is my addiction.

Being with her is a high so sweet, I never want to come down.

“What you didn’t mean to do and what you did do are two very different things, little liar,” I tell her before pushing open the car door. “Now come with me; it’s time to get some rest.” The moment I get out of the vehicle, fresh air hits me, and I miss her fragrance. It’s always been like this with us; each time I would leave her, I’d miss her.

It’s stupid to be so emotional over one person, but then I see how Damien is with Nesrin, and it all makes sense. I fell in love with Kalyn a long time ago; I just didn’t want to admit it. To her, or to myself.

Perhaps that’s why she did what she did. Maybe she thought if she were to hurt me, it would make it easier to leave. Whatever her reasons for lying, it doesn’t matter now because I finally have her where I want her—under my roof.

I lead her inside, and the moment we walk into the kitchen, I’m met with Finn, who’s working on his laptop at the table. His gaze flicks to me, then lands on the woman behind me. I notice his brow arching in question, but I don’t offer an answer.

This wasn’t part of our plan. I was meant to send her back to Paulo, but when I looked at her tonight, saw how she reacted to me, I knew there was no love between them. There’s nothing more than his hold over her, and I intend to break it.

“Kalyn,” Finn greets as he shuts his laptop, twisting in his chair to get a better look, I’m guessing. “It’s nice to see you again. Didn’t expect you to be here,” he says, his words filled with questions as he glances between her and me.

“I-I didn’t expect to be here,” she murmurs, standing awkwardly in the middle of the room, her hands twisting in front of her, and the thought I had in the car returns. Is she going through withdrawals? “Cassian said I was going to stay here for a bit.”

“I see,” Finn responds as I grab a couple of bottles of water from the fridge before handing one to Kalyn. Her hands are shaking as she takes the bottle from me, her eyes wide as they land on mine when she sees that I notice her problem.

I gesture to her, taking in the way she’s trembling like a fucking leaf. “Has he been doing this to you?” I ask, gritting my teeth as I wait for the answer, but even as I ask her, I know what the response will be, and that does nothing to calm my anger.

“I… He doesn’t do it all the time. I mean, when he’s angry, or if he needs me to listen,” she informs Finn and me in a hushed whisper. Her cheeks turn bright red as she confesses, and shame flickers in her eyes when she looks at me. “I-I find it difficult to say no, to fight it.”

“How did he find you?” I ask, my hand gripping the water bottle so hard, I expect it to shatter any moment. “How did he know that you were in such dire straits?”

“We met at a party; it was after the release of my first movie,” Kalyn says as I guide her to a chair. She settles in, opposite Finn, beside me. Once again, the scent of her perfume assaults my senses, but I keep my focus on her words. “He was charming, asked me out, and I said yes. It was so lonely in Hollywood with Dad working and my mother at her job, which seemed to always keep her busy.”

“And the parties he took you to, were they all at a certain club or someone’s house?” This comes from Finn as he opens his laptop once more. There’s something about my brother that I’ve always admired; he loves a good mystery. And he’s probably got ideas of Paulo’s reasons for ensuring Kalyn was under his control.

“Well…” she ponders this for a moment before nodding, “yes, he has a few clubs in town that he used to frequent, and I’d be with him. Other times, it would be one of his homes—he had three— which we would end up at.”

“And you never remembered the night before when you woke the next morning,” Finn says. It’s not a question because he’s nodding, sure of himself; he’s clearly figured out Paulo’s plan.