The pull toward Kalyn Narro has been innate for me. I haven’t had a choice in how I feel about her, and it seems this is one time I’m right because she wants me too.

Even though I haven’t done anything with her, other than talk, flirt a bit, there is still some strange agony that tugs at my chest when I take her home, when I say goodbye to her, because I’m convinced each time I do, it will be forever.

And that scares the shit out of me.

“Broken? Tortured?” I offer, because that’s what she looks like with her dark lashes and eyeliner. When she glances at me with those hazel eyes, I find myself lost in them. Even with tears shimmering on her long lashes, there’s something alluring about her, pulling me into her orbit and not allowing me to leave.

“Yeah,” she finally whispers. “Both of those. And a million more.” She turns her focus to the ground, the stick she’s holding swirling in the almost black mud that’s underfoot. “How can life fuck you so hard?”

A laugh tumbles from my lips at her honest question. She’s not wrong there. Even though I’m privileged, I have a great dad, amazing brothers who I’m close to, life does fuck you, and at times, it doesn’t even ask for permission.

“I don’t know,” I finally answer when I notice she’s waiting on an answer. Those wide eyes lock on mine, holding me hostage, and I’m drawn to her like a moth to a flame. And I know if I get any closer, I’ll only burn. “Maybe we should get back before your folks send out a search party.”

Unlike the other parents in Thorne Haven, Kalyn’s care about her. They love her deeply, and they would do anything for her. It’s clear. She’s lucky to have that, and I wonder if she even realizes it.

“A search party?” she teases, a smile gracing her pretty face, and it takes everything inside me not to lean in and kiss her, to steal her lips with mine and show her just how good it feels to let go.

“You know they treat you like a fragile doll,” I taunt, “but that’s not what you are. Is it, Kaly?”

Her eyes sparkle with amusement, and she shakes her head slowly. “Maybe not. But I get it; I’m young.” There’s sadness in her tone, and I wonder if that’s because she feels immature around me or if she wants to enjoy her life and be an adult. I should tell her it’s not all it’s hyped up to be, but I don’t.

Instead, I watch her for a long moment.

A pretty little star.

“Let’s go,” I say, pushing to my feet before I offer her a hand, which she stares at for a long moment before accepting. I pull her to stand, and she stumbles into me. I’m not sure if it’s because I pulled her too quickly, hoping for her to plaster herself against me, or if it’s her doing. Either way, I know that this girl, this shining star, will always be mine.

When I finally turn off the taps, the water is like ice against me. That was the first night I wanted to claim her, and it wasn’t the last. And even now, against my better judgment, knowing what I know, I want nothing more than to steal her away from that bullshit fiancé she has and show her just how much she belongs to me—a Thorne.



It’s almost time for the party, and I’m not sure I want to go. The infamous gala at the Thorne mansion. I’ve heard whispers that there are only two brothers in town, and I’m guessing it would be Cassian and Finn. Damien must have left, but I don’t know anyone here anymore, and if I had inquired, people would’ve looked at me with questions I didn’t want to answer.

Instead of finding out what I needed to about the Thorne brothers, I ended up back home, sipping on the sparkling champagne that had been delivered when we arrived. My stomach tumbles as I think about the party, but there are still a few hours before we have to leave; that’s why I haven’t dressed yet.

The moment I put on my costume, there’ll be no going back. And I can’t think about that right now. I gulp down the last swallow of bubbly before setting the glass on the table, but the moment I rise, I find Paulo at the threshold of my bedroom.

It’s my space.

Not his.

Suddenly, my stubbornness takes hold and I want to tell him to leave, but it’s no use because this is the man I’ve agreed to marry. And if I were to do anything to change our arrangement, I would have to give up everything.

Paulo pushes off the door frame before he smirks. “Suppose Mommy Dearest wouldn’t know you’ve been finishing her champagne,” he mutters as he enters the room. “Sadly, I might have to inform her of this in case more goes missing.” The threat is clear.