“My mother.”

“You told your mother about me?” I ask excitedly.

“No, not yet. My brother.”

“Oh. Well, either way, he was mistaken.” I say, hedging the truth. Technically, I am not engaged, but my parents want me to be. I can’t believe my mom is telling people that already.

“So you’re not engaged?”

“Not at this time, but…” I begin, but he cuts me off with a searing kiss.

“Thank fuck.”

I am naked, and he’s inside of me before I can say another word. I know I should tell him, but I don’t want this ever to be over.

“Fuck Cain,” I cry out as my orgasm hits me, and I lose my mind. He keeps fucking into me until I can’t breathe. He fills me with his seed and takes a deep, shuddering breath before lowering his forehead to mine.

“You’re mine, Georgia. Just the thought of thinking you belonged to someone else did something to me. I was insane with rage. I wanted to kill him.”

“I don’t belong to anyone but you,” I say, touching his cheek.

“Damn right,” he says, kissing me before he pulls out of me. He lays beside me and pulls me close to him. We fall asleep until the bedside phone rings. Reaching out, I answer it.

“‘Lo?” I ask sleepily.

“Hello, sorry to disturb you. Can I speak to Mr. Adams? This is Gretchen from the front desk.” In the background, I can a Nedeara shouting at someone.

“Sure,” I say, now fully awake.

“Cain? Babe? You up?” I ask, nudging him with the phone.

“Yeah, kinda.”

“Gretchen from downstairs is on the phone for you.” He sits up and takes the receiver from me.

“Yeah, Gretch? What’s that shouting? My brother is shouting at a customer? I’ll be right down.”

“Yeah. I think he’s shouting at my cousin. I heard her yelling through the phone. I’ll come too.” We get up and get dressed, going downstairs, hand in hand.

“You can’t tell me what to do, Abel. You don’t own me,” Nedeara shouts, hands on her hips.

“That’s so funny because I just did, Nay.”

“What’s going on here?” Cain asks.

“Nothing, brother. I’ll handle this.”

“You’re not doing a very good job, Abel.”

“Nedeara, what’s happening? Why are you acting like this?” I ask, stepping out from behind Cain. As soon as I do, flashbulbs go off, and paparazzi come crawling out of the woodwork. This will be a front-page story without a doubt. Fuck.

“Abel fucking Adams thinks he owns the world, well you don’t, asshole.”

“How do you two even know each other?” I ask.

“We met in LA six weeks ago. Then he ghosted me.”

“Is this guy?” I ask at the same time Abel says, “I didn’t ghost you.”

“Oh yeah? What would you call not answering your phone when I called? And when someone did, it was a woman who said she was your wife?”

“Abel’s not married,” Cain says.

“Well, his whore made sure I thought he was.”

“Well, that’s lovely language from a lady,” Abel says.

“You didn’t have a problem with my language when you were balls deep inside of me,” Nedeara shouts. I can tell she’s on the verge of tears.

“Okay, why don’t we take this into the office,” Cain says, his eyes wide.

“There’s no need for that. I’m done here, beyond done. Can I have my room key, sweetie?” she asks Gretchen.

“Sure thing, ma’am.” She slides a key across the counter at her.

“Thanks. Georgia? A little help, please.”

“Uh, I’ll see you later,” I tell Cain. Before he lets me go, he kisses me.

“You better,” I giggle but sober up when I see Nedeara’s face. I walk with her to the elevator.

“You okay?”

“I can’t believe I lost my virginity to that man. I also can’t believe I’m pregnant with his baby.”

“If he’s anything like his brother, he’ll want to know, Nedeara.”

“I was going to tell him, but he just disappeared. He doesn’t deserve to know now.”

“I’ll keep your secret for now, but I think you’ll regret that decision.”

“I’ll tell him, eventually. I am allowed to be right now, right?”

“Hear him out, then decide.”

“You’re right. You’re always right, Georgia. Now, tell me about your guy. He’s cute. Why did you need me?”

“I don’t know. This feels big, and you’re my best friend.”

“Aww, girl,” she says as we get to her room. “I’m going to take a nap, but we should go to that nightclub everyone talks about, the one with by the water.”

“Isn’t everything by the water?” I ask before giggling.

“Okay, wiseass. You know what I meant. Waterpolo or something like that.”

“That sounds great. I bet Cain would love to go.”

“Tell him to bring his brother.”


“Well, he’s hotter than I remember. Maybe there is a good explanation.”

“Fine. See you later.”

Using the key to Cain’s room, I see that all my things have been brought over from the room that was mine. My cell phone on the bed is lit up. Four missed calls from Beth, my assistant, and six calls from my mom.