My heart skips a beat “No. Did she?” I ask, not even daring to say the words.

Riley smiles, and I let out a breath of relief. Her brother and sister-in-law have had issues with fertility in the last couple of years, but Eva is now pregnant.

They used to live close by, but they moved south of the state a year ago.

“The doctor has put her on bed rest, so Mom’s gone to help them.”

My mom was that mom a couple of months ago, and if anyone had asked me if she would help me with the baby, the answer would have been a resounding yes. The way she is now, I’ll be lucky to get a visit. She’s been coming to the gym, and I’ve seen her with Ian a couple of times, but I’ve chosen to ignore it. He cannot be serious. Mom is at least thirty years older than him.

I bet Riley’s mom would have knocked some sense into her. Mom’s hobbies used to be gardening and knitting. Not flirting with men young enough to be her kid.

I tell Riley all these things, and she urges me to let it go.

“It’s never that serious. Let her have fun; she’ll come to her senses.”

I’ll try and relax about my mother. I seem to be the only one worrying, so obviously I’m the one in the wrong.


I swear I’ve changed outfits three times. I feel squashed as if the dress’s material is too snug on my belly, which doesn’t make any sense as I haven’t gained any weight. I don’t look remotely pregnant. No rounded belly. Nothing. On the third try, I stand in front of the mirror, unable to decide if the beige shift dress is too short. The ringing doorbell is what saves me from trying on another dress.

I buzz Thomas up, and when he gets out of the elevator, I’m at the door and ready to leave. I don’t see his face at first because he’s holding a big bouquet of roses. My sense of smell has gone haywire, but this time, I’m grateful for it as floral scents waft up my nose.

“You look beautiful,” Thomas says, his voice hoarse and seductive. “These are for you.” He hands me the elegantly wrapped flowers.

“Thank you.” I’m breathless as I take the flowers from him, and I have to admit, thoroughly touched. I can’t remember the last time I got flowers from someone. Plus, we’re not dating, and there’s no obligation to be extra nice. “I’ll take them inside, and then we can leave.”

I push the door open, carry the flowers to the kitchen, and fetch a vase. Thomas follows me into the kitchen, and as I’m arranging the flowers, he slips his hands around my waist.

He nibbles my neck, and I let my body slack against him. A sigh escapes my lips as all sorts of sensations travel from my neck to the rest of my body. Thomas’s hands move up my body to cup my breasts over my dress. An urgent need to kiss him comes over me, and I turn around and tip my head to welcome his kiss. Time loses meaning as we make out against the kitchen counter.

Then he breaks the kiss, and when I open my eyes, my heart pounds hard as our gazes meet and hold. Thomas has one hand cupping my cheek, and he caresses my face. He wears an expression that I cannot read.

“You are the meaning of the word temptation,” he growls before taking my hand and leading me out of my apartment.

The air is still charged in the car as we head to Adeline’s place. We are already late as the party was supposed to start at 2 p.m. It is now a quarter past. Adeline is a stickler for time, and I know that Thomas and I will get her scolding. She treats everyone as if they’re her twins, but the make-out session was worth it. My body is still tingling from desire, and I can’t wait for the party to be over, and Thomas and I can return home. That’s a silly thought to have considering that we haven’t even gotten there.

“What?” Thomas asks, an amused tone in his voice.

I hadn’t realized that I had chuckled out aloud. For some reason, the truth stumbles out of my mouth. “I was thinking that I can’t wait for the party to be over so you and I can go back home to finish what we started.”

Thomas hisses. “Fuck, Cora. You know exactly what to say to make a man feel like he has been punched in the belly. We can turn back now. We can skip the party.”

I giggle. “And what shall I tell Adeline?”

“You can tell her that I had an emergency procedure and that you were my nurse.”