“Good morning.” I introduce myself, and I’m lucky that it’s a quiet morning and I can see the doctor soon. She gives me some forms to fill out, after which Riley and I sit down to wait.

A couple walks in while we are waiting, and after talking with the secretary, they sit down. I watch them discreetly as they whisper to each other and hold hands. I swallow down my envy. I’m sure they’ve gone through their own struggles; after all, no one goes to a fertility clinic out of choice. Still, it’s better to be going through fertility treatments with a man who loves you than what I’m doing alone.

The secretary calls me to go in, and Riley squeezes my hand one last time.

“Do you want me to come in with you?” she asks.

“I’ll be fine, thanks.”

I flash her a smile of gratitude. My legs feel like two blocks of cement as I make my way to the door that the friendly secretary holds open.

The doctor is bent over some papers on his desk, but as soon as I look at that mop of thick wavy hair, a memory goes off in my brain. My heart pounds crazily, and my legs tremble.

It can’t be! He looks up, confirming my suspicions. Thomas.

The smile freezes on his lips. Neither of us moves as we stare at each other. I contemplate turning and fleeing, but that’s cowardice. Besides, I did nothing wrong three years ago; it was all him. Sort of.

Let’s have a baby.

I burn with shame when I remember the words I’d said to him. I hadn’t known him for more than three months, and I’d wanted to have a baby with him. What kind of desperation was that?

To be fair to me, Jasper’s sudden death had made us all a little crazy. Riley had fled California and gone to live in Utah while I’d asked a man I barely knew to have a baby with me.

A man I’d hoped never to see again.

He recovers fast and plasters a smile on his face. “Cora, what a surprise to see you here.” Thomas stands up and sticks out his hand.

I move mechanically and take his hand. As soon as his huge masculine one closes over mine, warmth spreads over my body.

“Hi.” My voice comes out squeaky, and I clear my throat to cover up my embarrassment.

“Please sit down,” Thomas says.

“Thank you.”

He smiles, and my stupid heart flutters.

“What can I do for you?” he says.

Relief surges through me at the professional tone he adapts. I can do professional. I can pretend that I don’t recall with alarming detail the feel of his huge cock in my hand. The taste of his pre-cum and the sound of his growls when he was almost coming.

My thighs tremble, and my panties dampen. An unbearable ache forms in my lady parts, and for a few seconds, all I can think about is how desperately I need relief.


I snap back to the present. Thomas wears a look of concern. Great. I’ve probably confirmed that I have a nut loose in my brain. I have to get my act together. Just because I slept with him a few times eons ago doesn’t mean I can’t be professional.

“I want to have a baby.” That sounds eerily like the same thing I said three years ago.

“Are you having problems conceiving?” he asked, his voice filled with concern.

I close my eyes momentarily. What had seemed like such a great idea when Riley and I were planning it now seems weird. “No, not that I know of.”

A frown crosses his gorgeous features. Stop it! He’s my doctor now. I must start to think of him as Doctor Clarkson. Scolding myself has the desired effect, and for the next few minutes, I’m able to concentrate on the conversation.

“Would your partner be willing to come in for a checkup?” Dr. Clarkson says.

I stare at him uncomprehendingly. “Partner?”

“Well, yes,” he says. “Usually, you would require a partner to make a baby with.”

My face heats up. I was so busy ogling him and remembering that I forgot to explain everything properly. I take a deep breath. “I should have explained better. I don’t have a partner. I want to have a baby by myself. I mean with a sperm donor. God, this is awkward.”

“Hey, relax, everything will be fine,” he says in a soothing tone. “You came to the right place. A lot of women start with us when they want a baby through a sperm donor.”

Does he remember that I’d asked him to have a baby with me three years ago? Probably not. Three years is a long time ago, and between that time and now, I’m sure that Thomas, I mean Dr. Clarkson, has had countless lovers.

My gaze drops to his white shirt stretched across a very muscular chest that I remember palming and then purring with pleasure.