Ren’s eyes met mine, then she glanced at Brooks. I saw understanding bloom in her eyes. She nodded slowly and whispered, “We’re going to stop time.”

Mission Don’t Get Devoured had officially started.

Rosie and I met up with Hondo, and I told him the plan. He hated it. Every single detail of it. But that didn’t stop him from telling me, “I’m going with you.”

“No, you’ve got to stay here. The godborns need training,” I said. “And someone has to be in charge in case Zotz and Ixkik’…” My voice trailed off, but Hondo got my meaning. He was already frowning and nodding.

Deep down, I was hoping really hard that our enemies would never make it to Xib’alb’a. That they would never reach the Tree’s roots. Yeah, I know. It was wishful thinking.

Hondo squeezed my shoulder. “If you don’t haul butt back here right after your dance with time, I will hunt you down.”

“Haul butt,” I repeated. “Got it. And you’ll be okay? You’ll…?” I hesitated, practically choking on the words. I didn’t know what else to say. You’ll keep everyone safe? Stop Zotz and Ixkik’ from invading? It was too tall an order even for a ride-or-die uncle with a magical warrior mask and a tough nawal at his side.

“I got this,” he said. He released his grip, and we continued walking toward the temple. “How will you find this Cave of Crystals?”

“We’re going to ask Saás.”

By the time we arrived at the library, Brooks, Ren, Marco, and Louie were already there. Louie was sitting cross-legged on top of a table, reading a thick book entitled Things You Didn’t Know Could Kill You but Can.

Alana and Adrik came in behind us. Alana clapped to get our attention and announced, “I have something to tell you guys.”

“As long as it isn’t more bad news,” Marco grumbled.

“Remember when I said I was seeing blurry spots?” Alana asked.

We all nodded. Rosie’s ears perked up.

“Well, I kind of walked into one of them.”

“Walked into one?” Marco snorted.

“The blurry areas are gateways!” Adrik practically shouted.

I thought about what Ik had told me back in Hell’s Kitchen. They’re all around us. I twisted my hands around Fuego. “You can see all the gateways?”

“I don’t know about all.” Alana’s eyes darted from face to face before landing back on mine. “They look like blurry pockets of air. There’s one in this room.”

“Where?” Hondo asked.

She pointed to the center of the room, near where Saás slowly revolved.

“Whoa!” Ren breathed. “That’s amazing. You’re amazing.”

Alana’s face flushed with pleasure and she said, “Shadows and time are way cooler.”

“But how do you know where the gateway goes?” I asked, more concerned with the logistics.

“Yeah,” Brooks said. “We could end up in—”

“Saigon or Turku,” Louie cut in.


Marco traced a swirl in the table’s wood with his finger as he eyed the room suspiciously. “I don’t see anything.”

“Doesn’t mean it isn’t there.” Adrik’s words rushed out. “Tell them the rest, Alana.”

“Do I need to sit down for this?” Hondo asked.