“Is that thing alive?” I asked.

“Did you call me a thing?!” the globe asked, spinning back to the center of the room.

“Not a thing,” I said, trying to erase my mistake. I mean, who wants to get on the wrong side of a talking globe? “I meant…” I fumbled for the right words as I went over to get a better look without touching the orb.

“You meant that I am a highly advanced achievement,” the globe said. “With access to more knowledge than your puny brain could ever hope to contain.”

“Exactly what he meant, Saás,” Hondo said, sipping his coffee like he was enjoying this exchange.

“Her name is Sauce?” I asked.

“S-A-A-S. Mayan for light,” Brooks said, with a dropping tone on the last a as she came back with a pile of chocolate donuts. She tossed one into the air for Rosie to snatch up.

“Watch this.” Ren’s smile lit up her whole face as she leaned close to the orb. “Saás, what is Jupiter?”

“Why do you waste my talent with such simple-minded questions?”

A holographic image of the planet appeared above the globe along with a bunch of text about Jupiter being the fifth planet from the sun, how much it weighs, et cetera et cetera.

“Cool, we’ve got an Alexa globe,” Brooks said, handing me a donut. “Now can we look for the information we came for?”

“My name is not Alexa,” the globe said. “So insulting. Alexa wishes she were as erudite as I am. She is a mere knockoff. Of course, many of the Maya inventions were copied and our advancements were never…Oh, never mind.”

Hondo held back a smile. “I’ve got a better question, Saás. Who is the greatest wrestler of all time?”

“I will not be tricked,” Saás said in a more annoyed voice. “Which standards are we using to measure? Career highlights? Look? Marketability? In-ring ability?”

I munched on my donut. The chocolate icing was glossy and as smooth as velvet. But it was the way it melted on my tongue and the nutty dark sweet flavors burst in my mouth that stole a breath. Literally.

“Whoa! This is…”

“Crazy delicious?” Brooks said, polishing off hers and licking her fingers clean. “Now can we get back to why we’re here?”

Hondo said, “The first thing we have to do is find out if one of Ix-tub-tun’s stones is missing.”

Ren nodded. “If it is, Adrik and Alana may have…may have had a stolen stone. Unless Ix-tub-tun gave it away.”

“Which makes no sense if the twins’ dad was, you know…” Brooks peered at us through dark curls that had fallen over her left eye. “If their dad was with Ixtab.”

Hondo raised his eyebrows and nodded appreciatively. “Wow, Capitán. I love how your mind works. It reminds me of—” He stopped himself before he said Quinn. “Er, reminds me how smart and calculating you are and—”

“Hey, Saás,” I said. “Where can we find information on Ix-tub-tun’s stones?”

Saás sighed. “This again?”

“We alre

ady tried that.” Ren sipped her cocoa. “She could only confirm that Ix-tub-tun spat out a lot of magic stones.”

Right. Nudging my chin toward Saás, I mouthed, Is she recording us?

Hondo said, “That’s what I want to know. She could be blasting our convo all over the galaxy.”

“As if anyone would care,” Saás said. “All of you are insignificant. Except, maybe, the dragon.”

“Dragon?” I echoed.

“Only one with the power of the dragon can unlock the knowledge in this sacred place,” Saás said.