Jordan glowered at the Tree.

A few seconds later, a crow descended from the sky and landed right in front of me, shifting into Quinn. Her hair was dull and hung loosely around her face. She wore a long, simple black frock and a defeated expression.

“Zane,” she said. Tears flooded her eyes, but they didn’t fall. “I will take your friends to safety, and then I will return to…” She faltered. “To my husband. You have my word.”

Jordan’s expression was a combination of relief and suspicion.

Quinn began to back away, and as she did, she mouthed to me, Don’t be fooled.

In that moment, every ounce of me hurt, like I had been pummeled in the wrestling ring for days. Fire erupted across the unburned parts of the jungle.

The phantom mist hand drew closer. “Shake!” Ixkik’ shouted. “Or I burn it all down!”

“NO!” Quinn spun wildly. Enormous black wings sprouted from her back. Claws erupted from her fingers. “You promised my sister would go free!”

Ixkik’ laughed. “I didn’t promise anyone else would.”

/> Quinn fully shifted back into a massive crow, shrieking like La Llorona as she took off into the darkening sky. But just as she got about twenty feet off the ground, a chain made of mist grabbed hold of her leg and held her in place. She struggled uselessly.

I reached for all the power in my storm runner leg, calling any bit of fire to me that would listen. Sweat trickled down my neck and back as the heat burned through my veins.

The ghost hand hung there, waiting.

“You can end all this with a simple handshake,” Ixkik’ hissed.

It’s my fault she wants you, Itzamna managed. I should have seen it.

What are you talking about?

The power of the dragon.

What did that have to do with any of this?

Itzamna’s voice was choked off by a hard tug and Jordan’s laughter.

Bird’s gaze landed behind me. A look of bewilderment swept across the twin’s ugly mug. And then I heard a familiar voice outside. Mine!

“Guys,” my voice said, “looks like you’re making deals with the wrong Zane. How embarrassing.”

I spun to find me—standing behind me! Marco? The dude even had Fuego—okay, it was a cheap imitation, but only I would know that.

The twins shared a what-the-heck? glance.

Marco stood at my side, smiling, waving the cane in the air like it was some kind of wand.

“Do you want more gods to die?” Bird said.

“If one more god light disappears from that tree,” I said, jumping into action, “you’ll never get the real Zane.”

Ixkik’ hissed angrily.

Jordan rubbed his chin. “Oh, I think we already have the real Zane. Unless you,” he said, directing the question to Marco, “can shoot fire the way he can?”

Crap! I hated to admit it, but that was a really good next move.

Marco shrugged and held out his palm like he was waiting for a gold coin to be dropped into it.

Instantly, I created a cone of fire around Marco and me, wide enough so as not to scorch him and high enough that the twins couldn’t see through it. “You have to get out of here!” I told him. “She’s burning down the jungle!”