Look closely.

What?! I mean real help, like cutting these ropes, or getting me out of here, or…? Hello? Itzamna?

Make the story worth it.

I’m not your stupid entertainment!

A short round dude with high-water pants walked toward me. Gee introduced him as Louie.

Louie frowned at me. “Traitor,” he said flatly.

I wanted so badly to shout, I’m not a traitor! I came all this way to help you! Dude, I’m risking my life here. And I’m writing, like, a whole book for you guys. Does that sound like a traitor to you? But there was no reason to show all my cards to the ringmaster of this ridiculous circus. Whoever it was clearly had a thing for theatrics.

Louie turned up his palms. I held my breath. Please don’t sic something on me that sucks blood or has big teeth and claws, I thought.

Thunder boomed, echoing through the canyon walls so loud the earth trembled. A long shiver ran up my spine. Lightning cut across the darkening sky and a torrential rain began to fall. The trees bent under the force of it, and I thought the rain would wash me away if it hammered too long.

I struggled against the rope, but it only cut deeper into my skin.

The next godborn stepped onto the field and began to walk toward me. This time, Gee made no introduction. The person’s hood was pulled up as the rain pelted them. Even when the rain stopped suddenly, their face was a blurry haze.

“This one’s special,” Gee said, making space.

The godborn stood right in front of me. Dark curls spilled out of the hood. The face looked up, and eyes flashed amber. My heart stopped beating.


“Liar,” she whispered.

I thrashed against the stupid rope. “Brooks, it’s me. I didn’t lie!”


With her lips pressed together, she smiled. But then her face mutated, like her features were being erased right before my eyes. “What the…?”

A scar appeared on her chin, then a nose, and small green eyes that were bright against his light brown skin. That’s right—his. This dude’s face was appearing like a sketch on paper. I knew him. He was the guy with bleached hair who had cruised down a city street while the wind pounded him. He hadn’t screamed when he was abducted—he’d fought back like a madman.

“This is Marco,” Gee said proudly.

Marco gave me a stony stare.

“I’m not the enemy,” I said, but he didn’t even blink.

“Aren’t their gifts incredible?” Gee squealed. “Imagine how powerful we’ll be once we put them to good use.”

Good use? For what? The war Zotz and whoever else wanted to have with the Maya gods? I considered what I’d seen so far. The snake girl, the rain guy, and the creepy morphing/

disappearing face dude. How could the godborns be using these powers if they hadn’t been claimed? What was I missing?

Look closely.

“Would you like to see more?” Gee asked proudly.

“That’s enough,” came a familiar voice, a voice I thought I’d never hear again.

Footsteps sounded behind me. Gee lowered her gaze and cowered like a scared dog before she slunk into the forest with the godborns.

“Hello, Zane.”