Not yet. I’ve seen it done, but changing into a hawk is enough magic… for now.

All this talk of magic and blood reminded me of our deadline. “What time is it?” There were no windows and no natural light to give me a hint.

“You were out for hours,” Brooks said in an urgent tone. “It’s almost eight p.m.”

The second moon! I scrambled off the bed, landing with a thud on the marble floor. Pain shot up my short leg. “How…? It… only felt like minutes.”

“Time’s marked differently in the in-between spaces,” Brooks said.

“Here you go.” Jazz came back holding a mug so big I had to grip it with both hands. “Drink up.”

I looked into the cup. The dark, thick liquid spun in tight swirls like a storm was brewing inside. “Why is it turning like that?” I was worried something might be in there doing all the spinning, and whatever it was, I didn’t want it in my stomach.

Jazz sniffed. “It’s chocolate….” But he said it with a Spanish accent—cho-co-la-tay. “It’s the living drink of the gods,” he said. “Haven’t you ever heard of Ixkakaw?”

“Goddess of chocolate,” I said.

“All the gods are crazy for this stuff,” Jazz said. “Plus, it has enchanted healing properties. Hey, watch out.” He stuck his giant hand under the cup. “Don’t spill on the rug.”

“There’s a goddess of chocolate?” Hondo said, smiling. “I seriously need to meet her!”

“This chocolate is from a very good year.” Jazz beamed. “Hints of vanilla, cherry, and a splash of burnt caramel. Go on, taste it.”

Brooks nodded, letting me know it was okay to drink the stuff. I took a slow sip. The chocolate was warm and thick. Actually, it was delicious and went down like velvety pudding. I could see why the gods loved it. It was pretty much the best thing I’d ever tasted.

Jazz laughed and slapped me on the back. I nearly flew across the room. “How do you feel?”

I took a quick inventory. It was strange, but all my aches and pains, and the chills… they were all gone. I felt rested, strong. Clearheaded. “Good,” I said, wishing I could have more of this drink of the gods now that my mug was empty.

“I knew it!” the giant boomed. “You’re a sobrenatural. Don’t even try to lie. That chocolate would’ve done some serious damage to you if you were human.”


“You could’ve killed him!” Hondo shouted.

“Nah,” Jazz said. “We giants have excellent senses. I knew he had magic in his blood the second he walked into my shop.” His gaze turned to Brooks.

“Jazz,” Brooks began, “I… I wanted to tell you, b-but…” She stumbled on her words. “I was trying to keep you out of danger.”

“Giants were built for danger, Little Hawk,” he said. “Now fess up.”

I looked from Jazz to Brooks, knowing we could never tell him I was a godborn.

Lifting her chin, Brooks said with complete confidence, “He’s a magician.”

Jazz narrowed his eyes and unbuttoned his vest. “Then show me some magic,” he said to me.

“Magic? Er… I’m still feeling pretty weak and—”

“He’s still learning his powers,” Hondo cut in.

Brooks climbed onto the bed and cupped Jazz’s face in her hands. “You know I’ve never lied to you. And right now we have to go before time runs out.”

Man, she was seriously convincing. It made me wonder how many lies she’d convinced me of. My stomach turned.

Jazz lowered his shoulders. “I trust you.”

Brooks kissed him on the cheek, hopped off the bed, and hoisted her pack over her shoulder. “Thanks… for everything.”