Then it was gone.

“What do we do?” Hondo ground out.

Immediately, the answer hit me. “Change, Brooks!” Change into a hawk! It was one thing to look like Brooks. It was another thing to be Brooks.

The Hondo demon said, “No need for anyone else to die tonight.”

“You’re not taking her,” I growled.

“Seems we’re at an impasse,” he said.

“I’ll go with them,” one Brooks said. Then another said, “Please, Zane. Let me go.”

Why wasn’t she changing?! It would be so easy, if she would only shift into hawk form, because I was sure that was a Brooks thing no clone could pull off.

“Take me instead of her,” I said.

“Zane, NO!” one Brooks hollered only to be echoed by the others.

The Hondo demon laughed. “Why would Ixtab want you?” His eyes roamed my short leg.

“Because I’m the one who set Ah-Puch free.” I inched closer, heart racing, panic rising. But there wasn’t time to be afraid. “And he’s coming for his throne,” I said. “It’s too bad you guys are here fighting us instead of protecting your precious underworld. I bet Ah-Puch’s already beaten down the door and stormed the place.”

A low growl came from the demon. His face tensed, and he looked like he was about to lunge. “We don’t have a door,” he hissed.

Hondo clenched his fists at hi

s sides. “I’m going to enjoy knocking this guy’s head off.”

Out of nowhere, the cashier appeared and threw a pot of hot frying oil on the Hondo demon’s head.

“Run!” I screamed at the kid. “This isn’t a game!”

The cashier actually smiled before he took off.

The Hondo demon, on the other hand, wasn’t smiling. He clawed at his melting face as chunks of his body fell to the ground, vanishing like steam.

That left the three Brooks demons, gripping their twins by the throats.

“What’s it gonna be?” Hondo said fiercely.

With a thrust to a demon’s gut, one of the Brookses wriggled free, but her action was soon mirrored by her twins. The first Brooks locked eyes with me. “Holy K, Obispo,” she gasped. “You going to stand there all night?”

“It’s her!” I shouted to Hondo, and we charged.

The demons howled, then vanished into a thin trail of black smoke.

Brooks fell to her knees, grabbing her throat.

“Brooks!” I hurried over.

“We better get out of here before anything else goes down,” Hondo said, glancing around nervously.

I helped Brooks to her feet. “Why’d they give up so easily?” I asked Hondo. It didn’t make sense. They’d had the numerical advantage.

“Probably to bring back an army?”

“I’m fine,” Brooks said, shaking her head. But she was trembling. “I’m fine!” she repeated, then crawled into the bed of the truck.