“Yeah. Me too.”

She tucked her hair behind her ear and straightened her short black jacket. “So give it up. All of it. And don’t leave out any details. Start with you killing Ah-Puch. Oh, and don’t leave out waking up in the cell and the story you had to write for those evil gods.”

“How’d you know?”

“I have friends in low places,” she teased. She meant Ixtab.

We plopped onto the beach and I spilled all the details. Brooks listened intently, tracing her fingers through the sand, nodding every few minutes like she could see the images my words painted.

“I wish I could’ve lied,” I said. “To protect people from the gods’ wrath.”

She shoulder-bumped me. “So when do I get to read this tell-all?”

My throat tightened. Brooks? Read it? How about never?

“What about Quinn?” I asked, wanting to change the subject.

“Her cover was blown when she took your side. She couldn’t go back to Xib’alb’a, so she’s in a protection program until she can be reactivated. She’s fine with it—she didn’t like being with all those dead people anyway.”

Rosie’s eyes shot flames at the word dead.

“Meat!” I yelled. “I mean, steak!”

My dog settled back down, licking her chops. I was definitely going to have to come up with a better command or she might barbecue anyone in her path.

“You and Rosie are a perfect flame-throwing pair,” Brooks said as she stroked Rosie’s neck.

I laughed.

“So what now?” Her amber eyes glittered in the setting sun.

I took the jade from my pocket. “You’re not going to like it.”

“But you’re going to tell me anyway.”

“I have to bust my dad out of prison.”

“Another prison break? Ugh!” She got to her feet. “Ixtab will kill you for breaking your promise….And the gods will have your head on a spike if they find out you’re alive.”

“I don’t have a choice. He risked everything for me. No way am I going to let him rot in some speck of dirt somewhere.”

Brooks stared out at the ocean with a deep scowl. “I say

we lay low for a while.”

“What if it were Quinn?”

She threw me a glare. “I’d storm the castle.”

“Then I guess I’ll storm the castle.”

“You really are a pain, you know that?”

“So I’ve been told.”

“Fine.” Brooks lifted her chin. “But you so owe me!”

“It could be dangerous.”