When Judith came back into the room, she was wearing a broad smile.

‘Tell me!’ Chris was impatient.

‘Front-page spread tomorrow, with extra reporting on GlobeWatch. Bylined Judith Laing – Deputy City Editor.’

‘Whey-hey!’ He leapt to his feet, put his arms round her and pirouetted her around. ‘Congratulations!’

She couldn’t stop grinning.

‘And what did he say about Carter?’

Leaning back from him, she drew a line across her throat.


‘Summarily dis

missed three hours ago.’

‘So who’s taking over?’

‘We’ll all have to cover for him till they get a replacement.’

Chris stared down at her, shaking his head. ‘I’m so thrilled for you. This calls for a major celebration.’

‘It’ll have to wait for the weekend.’ She rolled her eyes. ‘They want me in tomorrow morning. Short-staffed.’

‘Yeah, I guess.’

They sat down on the sofa, opposite the fire. Judith turned to Chris. ‘But what about you, darling? Will you talk to a lawyer tomorrow?’

That was another thing they’d discussed during the past few days: what would happen when the two of them made their sudden reappearance back in London? How would Chris protect himself from North and his operatives? Now he looked pensive. ‘You know, I just want to sweep away the bugs and put all this behind me.’

‘But they tried to kill you!’

‘You too.’

‘Journalists are supposed to get shot at. Anyway, look what it’s done for my career.’

Which left the unspoken question hanging: what about his?

‘I know.’ He looked up at her sympathetic expression. ‘But I’ll find something. Maybe set up on my own.’ He glanced over at her quizzically. ‘Of course, the overheads in my new place are up a bit. Perhaps I should find someone to house-share.’

‘Oh? What sort of someone?’

‘Let me think. Single, female—’

‘Attractive?’ She played along.

He shook his head. ‘Not just attractive. I’m thinking sex appeal – sizzling with it.’

‘Sizzling even?’

‘Sex on legs.’ Then with mock seriousness, ‘A professional lady, of course. Maybe something in the media.’

‘Like a Deputy City Editor?’ She laughed.

‘That would be perfect.’