Page 25 of Love after Marriage

She closed her eyes, and with a deep, long sigh, she said, “I cannot forget or forgive you for that.” She paused for a few seconds, lost in thought.

Deepak waited for her.

“Deepak, both partners have to be open, faithful and firm, and willing to compromise to make their marriage work. When two people have different ideologies regarding marriage, as in our case, that marriage will not be successful. I have already expressed my views and–”

“But, Roshni, please–” Deepak tried to say something.

“Deepak, I am very disturbed. It is best we not talk anymore on this topic. It brings back memories and makes me sad.” She wiped her tears. “And I have a promise to fulfill, and I will work at it sincerely…and thanks for the cooperation.” She paused for a second. “Time is the best healer. Let’s wait and watch what is in store for us.”

A ray of hope kindled in Deepak’s heart. For the first time since their wedding, he heard something positive from her regarding their marriage. This was some good news.

He nodded at what she said. “And yes, you can count on me for all the cooperation you need. I wish you all the best, Roshni!”

She acknowledged his response.

Deepak looked at Roshni and asked, “Roshni, can I have a hug?” This was the first time they would come this close; he had to ask her permission.

Roshni popped her eyes wide open. She sat there, and Deepak waited eagerly for her to respond or for a hug from her.

After a few seconds, she came forward and hugged him. Deepak hugged her and slowly whispered, “Thank you, Roshni, thank you. This means a lot to me!”

They remained in each other’s arms for a couple of minutes; then Roshni pulled herself from him. He smiled, held her hand, and thanked her for everything again.

He handed her her dinner plate and signed for her to eat while he picked up the kheer bowl. Both quietly ate and glanced at each other a few times.

Deepak looked at his watch. It was almost 7 p.m. “Oh, time to go! Roshni, are you done?”


“Let’s go down. I will bring the suitcases while you get ready.” He smiled at her and felt very relieved after the conversation they’d had.

Within a few minutes, everybody was ready to drop Deepak at the airport. Deepak hugged Akash and bid him good-bye, he touched Kaki’s feet and took her blessings, bid good-bye to Lakshmi aunty, and touched Babuji’s and Sashank bhaiya’s feet and took their blessings.

After loading the suitcases in the car, they left for the airport. Sashank and Prashant sat in the front while Deepak and Roshni took the back seat. On the way, Sashank and Prashant talked and involved Deepak in the conversation. Prashant and Sashank noticed that Roshni was very quiet; they had no clue to the internal stress the young couple was going through.

They arrived at the airport and unloaded the suitcases, Deepak bid good-bye to all. He hugged Sashank bhaiya and thanked him for everything; this was a sad moment for him, leaving behind his family, he was dull and did not say much. Sashank was also unhappy at this time; he hugged Deepak and kissed him on his forehead. Sashank wished him good luck and reminded him again about the formalities for Roshni’s VISA. Deepak and Roshni looked at each other. Deepak walked closer to Roshni, bid her good-bye, and wished her good luck. He pulled his cart and entered the airport to check in and take care of other formalities.

Chapter 8

Deepak arrives in the US

After completing the immigration and customs formalities in San Francisco, Deepak came out of the airport and spotted Vivek and Vaishali waiting for him. He walked to them and hugged Vivek.

“Deepak, welcome back! How was your trip? By the way, congratulations!”

“Good, thanks,” replied Deepak, not enthusiastic at all. He looked at Vaishali, who stood beside Vivek. “Vaishali, how are you?”

“I am well, Deepak bhai. Congratulations!”

Deepak acknowledged their congratulations, and they left. Deepak thanked Vivek for picking him up and requested to be dropped at his condominium. Vai

shali had prepared dinner, so Vivek persuaded Deepak to go to their house.

It was dinner time, so they decided to have dinner first and then talk. Deepak went to freshen up while Vaishali and Vivek worked together and got the food and table ready.

Sitting down to dinner, Deepak enquired, “So, Vivek, how is everything?”

Vivek updated him and said all was normal. He continued, “So, Deepak, how was your trip?”