Page 98 of Wish for Love

Gemma placed a hand on her hip. “Talk to me. I know that look.”

“I’m fine.”

“Tell that to someone who hasn’t known you since elementary school.”

She sighed. “Cole and I hit a rough patch. I’ve been calling and missing him. As soon as I got things settled with Brian and Seth—”

“You talked to Seth finally?” Gemma reclaimed her seat at the dining table.

“Yes. I don’t know if he’ll ever get used to the idea, but he said he wants me to be happy.”

Gemma touched a hand to her chest. Were those tears in her eyes? She fanned her face. “Sorry, it’s so sweet.”

Leah settled back into her own seat across from her best friend. “Are you crying?”

“Sorry, I’ve been a little emotional lately.” Gemma’s voice choked with tears.

“More than usual?” Leah joked.

“Don’t make fun of me when I’m pregnant.”

Leah’s mouth fell open. “What?”

“I’m pregnant.”

“What!” Leah’s voice raised in vocal pitch.

“I know. I can’t believe it either.” Gemma dabbed her eyes.

“I’m so happy for you.”

“Me too. Chase can’t wait either.”

Leah’s heart soared for her friend like an eagle dallying with the wind. Her friend would make a great mother. Was Cole her forever? How she wanted him to be. For the rest of her life, she wanted her life with Cole.

She could still sense his lips to her forehead. His strong hands

splayed across her back. For a moment, Leah believed the world vanished around them. Like a mirage, it showed before her eyes, but all the mattered was Cole. Being with him meant the world to her. With him, her heart unfolded like a flower.

Though her heart was certain… is that what he wanted? He feared so much of her not choosing him, would he choose her? With him well known in photography, would his work come between them? He wouldn’t let that happen. Not after the way he kissed her.

His eyes had fixed on hers, so soft and sweet in his expression. The way he leaned in to erase the distance between them frequently touching her hands and face. How she longed to stay in that moment. His lingering touches made desire pool within her. All the while, the more difficult questions pressed on her mind.

Could Leah support him if he wanted to travel again? Would she pick up her life and go with him? She always wanted to travel but never thought she possessed the courage to do it. Those days were long gone. Could she leave what she knew for him? Her nerves twitched.

“Leah?” Gemma tilted her head to the side.

Leah stood upright. “I should go.”


“I… want to be by myself for a while.”

“Leah.” Her best friend reached for her hand. “Everything will work out fine.”

“I know.”
