Page 92 of Wish for Love


“I can’t, Brian. We’re not meant to be.”

“What are you talking about? All relationships have rough patches. I know I left but”—

“Exactly, you left. You made your choice and said it was over. I’ve moved on. I can’t go back to the way things were. It wouldn’t be fair to you… or to me.”

“You’re serious?” He sounded as if she just told him the sky was pink.

Shaking her head and closing her eyes, she said, “I wasn’t myself with you, Brian. I went along with everything you said, thinking that was the best way to make a relationship work.”

He sighed heavily. “I know I can push too hard—”

“You’ve always been yourself, and that’s what I loved about you. I didn’t show you who I was. You fell in love with a fantasy. I realize that I am spontaneous, adventurous. I’m riding horses now.”

“You are?” His voice contained wonder.

“I have a puppy.”

“Since when?”

“I’m even taking a Pilates class.”


She blinked. “Sorry, I’m rambling.” She inhaled a deep breath. “What I’m saying is, who I am now can’t be with you.”

He was silent, but something clicked in the background. Was that his jaw? It seemed hearing the word No wasn’t something Brian ever expected. “Wow… I never knew you felt like this.”

“I didn’t know how to tell you before.” The truth freed her as the air. Her arms didn’t tense, nor did she stall taking time to think. With easy breaths, she rolled her shoulders back. She found her confidence again, and she would hold on to it.

“I guess I never gave you a chance to tell me either.”

Leah leaned against the counter, crossing her ankles. “I’m sorry I wasn’t honest before.”

“I’m sorry I pushed you away.” Silence fell over for a moment, but then he replied. “I meant what I said that night at the restaurant. I loved you, Leah. I always will.”

Her voice cracked. “I loved you too.”

“I guess this is it then, huh?”

“Yes, it definitely is.” She straightened, standing upright. “Good luck, Brian. I wish you the best.”

“You too. You deserve the world.”

With that, the dial tone sounded in her eardrums. A slow smile crept on her face, and a slight moan slipped out her mouth. Coasting to the couch, her legs wobbled. Pressing one hand to her stomach, she settled on her sofa. She wrapped her arms around herself wanting to be held. If only she could see Cole.

Would he answer the phone? Her fingers tingled still clasping her cell. Despite her jumbled thoughts, she called him. First ring, nothing. Second ring, nothing again. The call went to voicemail, so she hung up. They needed to talk face-to-face. Yet, she scrolled through her contacts. Calling, the dial tone returned to her ears.

A heavy sigh relea

sed. “What’s going on?”

“Can I talk to you?”

“Is that a good idea?”

“Hear me out, Seth. Please?”