Page 69 of Wish for Love

“Hi, Cole,” Celeste greeted, giving a little wave.

“Hi,” Cole replied.

“Who’s that? It sounds like Celeste.”

Cole asked her, “You eat barbeque?”

She dismissed his comment with a wave. “It’s for my mom and stepdad. I’m partial to the truffle fries here though.”

“How are you?

“Oh, I’m great. I got into an online master’s program. I’m excited to begin my classes,” she said as she scanned the room. “Seth’s not with you?”

“No, he’s out of town on business.” Cole pointed to his cell. “I’m on the phone with him now.”

Celeste’s hands fidgeted clinging to her takeout bag. “No worries, tell him I said hi. Well… I’ll leave you to your dinner. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight, Celeste,” Cole said and cleared his throat. “How long has that been going on?”

“What? She left?”

“Yes, it was Celeste. What’s going on with you two?”

Seth chuckled. “Nothing, Celeste is nice.”

“Only nice?”

“Yeah, nice. We talk a few times. Even if there was something, I need to figure out what’s going on with Leah. I think I’ve given her enough time to think.”

“Maybe you can ask her—” Cole’s eyes bugged.

There Leah stood with another man. He didn’t recognize him, but the way his eyes gazed at Leah made his blood boil. He swallowed hard, ignoring the hitching in his chest. He then recalled Leah telling him about her hiatus. Did she change her mind?

Cole exhaled deeply. Even though years had passed, Leah still wouldn’t pull the rug from under him. He should have called her after the wedding. Their almost-kiss still reeled in his head. He rubbed the back of his neck.

“You still there, Cole?” Seth asked.

“Yeah, I’m here.”

His eyes followed Leah. She entranced him once more. Thank goodness he was sitting, because if he stood, he would tumble to the floor. Despite his knees wobbling, his desire grew to erase the distance between them. He stared longer, noticing she sat with the man perusing her menu.

“I’ve got an early day tomorrow, so I’ll talk to you later,” Seth said.

“Still not going to tell me what you’re up to, huh?” Cole asked.

“You’ll find out, eventually. Goodnight.”

Cole hung up with Seth and brought his phone to his lap. Then he texted Leah.

7:18 PM… Cole: Sorry I haven’t called

He noticed her beaming face at his message. He didn’t expect her to text him back, but to his surprise, she did.

7:20 PM… Leah: Sorry 2

Cole let out a deep breath as she raised her chin. At the sight of him, her eyes lit up. Then she motioned for him to come over. Cole stood, but as he approached Leah’s table, his heart banged in his chest. To his surprise, she stood and hugged him. He held her close for a moment, but since they weren’t alone, he released his grip.

“Have you met Craig?” Leah’s eyes diverted to Craig. “This is Cole Parsons.”