Page 65 of Wish for Love

“I’ll take a caramel frappe,” Celeste said.

Kimberly’s finger tapped on the table. “I’ll be good. No pastries, but I’ll have an herbal tea.”

“I’ll take a mocha frappe,” Leah ordered.

Tyler winked and left their table.

Leah heard the murmur of voices, laughter, and spoons clinking on the sides of mugs. The hum of machines filled her ears.

“Tyler looks smitten,” Kimberly commented.

“We’re friends,” Leah corrected.

“It looks like Tyler and Craig are both of her friends,” Celeste said, sounding playful.

“Nothing more and nothing less,” Leah reiterated. Her fingers loosely clasped on top of the table.

Celeste bobbed her head.

Kimberly clapped her hands. “I can’t wait for Phoebe to have her first pictures. I wanted them when she was three months, but Will wants us to wait until she’s six months.”

Celeste shook her head. “Why does your baby girl need a photo shoot?” She tucked in an unruly deep brown curl behind her ear.

“Memories, what else?” Kimberly answered. “I wonder would Cole be available to do them.”

“I wish you could have told me. I saw him with Seth at PV’s,” Celeste said. “I could have mentioned something to him then.”

“I’ll ask him at church.” Kimberly then squinted her eyes at her friend. “So, you saw Seth? Did he talk to you?”

Celeste’s rubbed her forearms. “No, he left.”

“Here we go, ladies,” Tyler announced as he distributed their drinks on their table. Afterward, he resumed his place behind the counter. Celeste frowned and excused herself to the restroom, leaving Kimberly and Leah alone at the table.

“Is she okay?” Leah asked.

Kimberly gave half a smile. “I hope so, but I think this is another case of unrequited love.”

Her eyes bugged. “That so? I don’t mean to pry.”

Kimberly’s blonde eyebrows drew together. “I don’t think she would mind me telling you, but she’s had a thing for Seth Parsons since he came back into town. I don’t know why she hasn’t told him how she feels. Celeste can be a little shy.”

“And I’m assuming he doesn’t know.”

“Men never know,” Kimberly said. “I ended up starting my first kiss with Will. He’s the love of my life, but he’s better with horses than people.”

Leah’s lips turned upward. “He’s gotten better over the years since you guys have been together. He’s helpful during my riding lessons.”

“Again, that involves a horse. Will is an expert, so it’s nothing for him to teach.”

Celeste came back to the table. “So, what are we talking about?”

Leah swallowed but Kimberly interjected.

“I was about to order a pastry.” Her metal chair scraped the floor as she stood.

Leah savored a sip from her mocha Frappuccino. Celeste did the same and sampled her drink.

“Feeling okay?” Leah asked.