Page 26 of Wish for Love

ing creeks, dusty grounds, and wildflowers surrounded the space. Noticing the rows of fences, round bales of hay, and the grazing livestock, she wrung her hands together.

Then she turned and eyed the Quarter Horse Buckskin. Was she taking this hiatus too far? She didn’t need to learn how to ride. She’d been to Lee’s Dude Ranch before but always stayed in the background to feed the chickens and the cows. Mounting a horse was a different story. Still, she wanted to be brave. It wasn’t so much riding the horse but facing a fear of hers. She didn’t want to cower, even with something as simple as riding a horse.

Lee’s son, Will, held the reins out to her, encouraging Leah to get familiar with the mare, stating that her name was Molly. Leah stiffened, swallowing the lump in her throat. Her booted feet planted on the hard-packed ground beneath her. With her arms dangling at her sides, she gawked at the horse.

Second thoughts plagued her mind. What if the horse bucked? What if all of this was a bad idea? Despite the thudding in her chest, she wanted to try.

“If you relax, Molly will too,” Will’s deep voice pointed out. “She’s friendly.” He adjusted the cowboy hat at his brow.

Leah met his crystal blue eyes. “I feel really… small.”

Will petted Molly. She neighed in response, causing Leah to jerk. She drooped her shoulders and leaned back on one foot. Her breathing steadied, though her palms remained sweaty. She pressed her lips together and accepted the reins from Will.

“Try backing up, she’ll follow you,” Will said.

Leah did and her eyes widened as Molly followed. Her mouth curved into a smile at the horse’s response. She then reached out her shaky hand to pet the side of Molly’s face.

Will grinned. “Try it again.”

Leah took a few steps back. Molly instinctively followed once more, her hooves clopping. “Wow, good girl.” She petted the horse again, only to feel the soft nuzzle of the horse’s lips to her face. Leah’s heart melted.

“You can walk her around. You don’t have to ride her yet if you don’t want to,” Will suggested.

Leah agreed. “I’ll walk her for now. I want to get used to her first.” She pivoted and walked in the opposite direction, being careful not to jerk the reins as Will had directed her earlier. Molly even nudged her shoulder at one time, and Leah’s grin grew wide as she connected with the horse.

“Great job,” Will complimented.

Leah cocked her head toward the horse. “I think…” She faced Will. “I think I want to ride her. We don’t have to go far, right?”

“No, I can teach you how to circle around.” Will brought over the mounting block to Molly, who stood already saddled.

Leah sighed as she waited for his instructions. At Will’s bidding, she walked up the mounting block while he kept Molly steady. Following his directions, Leah held onto the reins gently pressuring the bit in Molly’s mouth. She then put her left foot in the stirrup, pulled her body onto the horse, and sunk onto the saddle.

Will smiled. “Nice job, Leah. Now remember to keep your shoulders stacked over your hips.”

Leah straightened and held the reins with three fingers with both hands, as Will had mentioned before.

“Feel okay?” he asked.

She rocked in place. “If I’m relaxed, she’s relaxed?”

He gave her the okay sign. “You got it.”

Will guided Leah during her ride with Molly and taught her how to use her hips to steer. Leah learned how to stay strong and stable through her back. She kept her kept her chin up and gazed in the direction she wanted to steer the horse.

“You’re a natural at this, Leah,” he said.

A smile danced on Leah’s lips. A sense of calm spread through her. She felt free as the wind. Will continued to talk her through using her hips to lead Molly into the turns. By the time Leah dismounted the horse, joy bubbled up in her despite the twitching muscles in her quads.

She pressed her hand into her lower back and stretched. She gave the horse one final pat, gave Will a high-five, and planned to return for another lesson. As Leah sauntered back to her car, excitement raced through her. She could conquer the world if she wanted.

Why hadn’t she rode a horse before? What had held her back? Leah gripped the steering wheel as she coasted down the road. Was it fear alone? Did she lack courage? Whatever the reason, she conquered it. She rolled her shoulders back. When was the last time she felt that free? Connecting with Molly the horse had warmed her heart. Leah drew her bottom lip between her teeth, but her grin surfaced anyway.

Is this what her mother meant about taking time? Without the focus of a relationship, Leah’s attention centered on herself. It felt liberating. She wanted to explore and push her limits, eager with the same headlong zest of a hunter for his game.

What else could she try she never dared before? No one was there to talk her out of it. She could decide without the opinion of a boyfriend. Was there more she could add to her list? The adrenaline rush had her wanting to bulldoze through traffic. She bounced in her seat after coming to a stop at a red light.

On the way home, she stopped by the grocery store, retrieving her list from her purse. Leah walked up and down the aisles of cream-painted metal shelving and filled her cart. Passing the towering end displays of popular products, she listened to the easy music in the background playing from the speakers. The squeaky wheels of her cart also filled her ears while she inhaled the yeasty scent of warm bread from the bakery. She picked up a pound of salmon from the seafood counter and then journeyed to the dairy aisle for milk.