Page 22 of Wish for Love

7:46 PM… Leah: Goodnight

Leah set her phone on her nightstand to charge it. She reclined on her bed, tucking her hands underneath her cheek. You’re taking a break. She told herself.

Chapter 9

The bell on Leah’s front door chimed. They had agreed he would pick her up at her boutique and they would ride to the park together and then finish the formal shots at his studio. Leah adjusted her strapless dress and slipped her feet into her heeled wedges. She kept her makeup natural for the outdoor photos but would try a smoky look for the formal wear. She threaded a hand through her loose curls, loving her honey blonde highlights.

“Leah?” Cole called out.

She pressed her hands to her cheeks. “I’m here. I’m ready.” She grabbed her purse and strolled to the front of the store. She found Cole standing with his arms crossed over his chest. Leah let out a shaky breath. “Are you ready?”

He met her gaze. “You look great.”

She smiled. “Thank you. I was going for a natural look for the park.” She massaged the back of her neck, drawing her bottom lip between her teeth.

Cole drew closer. “It will be fine. You’ll have fun.”


He extended a hand, and she took it. Her heart skittered as his strong hand clasped hers. He led her out the door, but Leah released his hand to lock up the store. She refrained from taking his hand again.

Displaying his chivalry, Cole opened the passenger door for her. Leah secured her seatbelt, hearing the buckle clink. He joined her inside, pulled out of his parking space, and headed for the park.

Leah wrung her hands together. She couldn’t deny the sensation when their hands touched. She and Cole were friends. She was finally starting to move on with her life. She loved her salsa lessons, her new hair, and looked forward to riding a horse.

“I like your hair,” Cole complimented.

“Thank you.”

“What brought that on? Wanted something different?”

“Something like that.”

“Looks great on you.”

“You still look the same.” She gave him a once over. “Are you trying to grow a beard?”

Cole rubbed his chin. “Maybe.”

Leah liked the stubble on his face. He had matured into a handsome man. “What I want to know is… how is this going to go? Remember, I’m not a model.”

“I’ll talk you through it. Be yourself.”

Upon arrival at the park, Leah gazed outside the window. Sunlight streamed through the tree branches. Exiting the truck, her eyes scanned the mature trees and meandering paths. She spotted a gazebo in the distance, benches, and a pond with geese nibbling at the grass along the edge.

She wrapped her arms around herself and listened to the birds’ chirps while waiting for Cole. He met her at the front of his truck and pointed toward a large tree. Leah strolled to the oak tree and whirled around to face him. Cole took out his camera.

Leah put her hands on her hips. The hem of her sundress floated as she looked into the distance. Her hair danced in the wind.

“Stay like that,” Cole said.

She couldn’t imagine how her expression looked as he took the photo. It was surreal.

“Okay, now relax and smile.”

Leah shook out her hands.

“Naturally smile,” he joked.