Page 18 of Wish for Love

The music played again. Leah concentrated. Luis led her into the turn and she followed. To her amazement, he didn’t step on her feet. She was grateful.

Juan waved, and the music died down. “Finally, for today is the cross-body lead. Leads step forward on the first count, on the two-step out to the side, and then on count three open it up and turn to the side. Make sure the lady has space to cross over. Count five steps in place, on count six, point forward, and on seven, return in place to the neutral position.”

Juan led Gia showed the steps for the class. Leah counted the steps in her mind. Luis took her hand as taught, and she turned easily around him. The music played repeatedly as Juan and Gia reviewed the steps. Laughs and cheers filled the room once the first day of lessons was over.

Leah high-fived Luis. Happiness bloomed inside her. Though it was only one thing from her list, she followed through made her glow inside. Leah waved goodbye to her classmates before stepping outside.

Her heels clicked against the pavement as headed to her car. Once she slid into the driver’s seat, she discarded her shoes for her flats. Her feet weren’t accustomed to the action they’d experienced, so Leah looked forward to soaking in her claw-foot tub.

Chapter 8

Cole clasped his bridge camera as his eyes scanned the field of sunflowers. He focused on the landscape, twisting the barrel of the lens as he zoomed in and out, using the weathered barn as an appealing contrast. He inched forward to focus the shot on the apple red paint peeling from the battered wood. A few more takes satisfied him. He checked the photos he had taken and made sure the brightness and details were nice and sharp.

Cole had forgotten the subtle beauties that made Piedmont Valley special. While his spirits soared as he traveled overseas, it didn’t compare to home. The familiar faces he greeted on his way to his studio, his mother’s home-cooked meals, and the splashing water of the town’s fountain… some things couldn’t be replaced.

Piedmont Valley had something else he believed irreplaceable. Leah stole his breath during their consultation, although Cole attempted to remain a professional. Still, she made his knees wobble. Her jasmine perfume tickled his nostrils. Cole’s mind drifted to their senior year at Piedmont High when they woul

d so often meet at the bleachers on the football field, exchanging sweets.

Leah had nibbled on her bottom lip. “I don’t know if I want the white or milk chocolate.” Her head had tilted to the side. Her chocolate brown curls danced in the wind.

Cole held both cookies in his hands. “Pick because I’m taking the other one.”

She grinned. “Fine, I’ll take the white chocolate.”

Cole nudged her shoulder and handed over her treat. “Look at you, stepping outside the box.”

Leah gave half a smile. Her shoulders had drooped. “I’m going to miss you.”

He sighed. “I’m going to miss you too. I can’t believe we have three more months left until we graduate.”

Leah’s lowered lip had trembled. “Promise me we’ll stay friends? No matter what?”

Cole draped an arm over her shoulder. Leah had scooted closer and wrapped her arms around his neck.

He held her close. “I promise,” he had said.

A corner of Cole’s mouth lifted as he strode to his used charcoal 2016 Ford F-150 XL pickup truck. He’d purchased one at Lou’s Used Cars, noticing the inflated flailing tube man in front of the dealership. Cole then tucked his camera inside its bag, setting it next to him on the passenger seat. He rested his hands on the steering wheel and wrestled back control of his imagination. He needed to stick with one thing at a time. His focus needed to be on Leah’s photoshoot.

Seth had mentioned nothing recently. Would his brother tell him right away? Imprinted in his mind was the day his brother came home with his letterman jacket missing. Seth revealed he had lent it to Leah—his new girlfriend. His eyes had flickered with excitement.

Cole had eyed his brother. “Don’t hurt her.”

Seth’s eyebrows furrowed. “What does that mean?”

“It means all the girls flock to you. Leah isn’t somebody for you to play with. She’s real. She has a good heart.”

Seth had dismissed his comment with a wave of his hand. When his time came, and he left for college, Cole had picked up the pieces of Leah’s heart. She had rested her head on his shoulder. Her eyes flooded with tears while they sat on the bleachers.

Leah had sniffled. “He’s leaving.”

He held her close. “I’m sorry, Leah,” he said. His blood had boiled. He loved his brother, but it had been so disappointing to see him treat Leah like that. The tears running down her cheeks had felt like a knife to his heart.

Cole drove back to his studio. He caught sight of a few jet trails in the blue sky, but kept his focus on the paved road ahead. Stopped at a red light, he tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, but his eyes darted to the petite woman crossing the street. Leah’s face beamed and Cole froze as he stared at her. He assumed she was coming or going from the gym, since she wore athletic attire, toting a yoga mat on her back. Cole stretched forward to see where she was heading.

As far as he could see, she stopped in front of the library. His eyebrow raised as his curiosity flickered to life. He wanted to follow her inside, but Sunday would come soon enough. Cole didn’t think the photo shoot would take all day long. If it did, he wouldn’t mind. He would get to spend time with Leah.
