Page 103 of Wish for Love

Leah waved to Gemma and Chase once she and Cole stepped into the barn. Her best friend glowed now she was pregnant, and she couldn’t wait to spoil her future little play niece or nephew. Cole wrapped an arm around her waist.

“Want to dance?” He waved over to his friends Jeremy and April.

“Sure,” Leah said. “Since you apologized before we got in here.”

“I can’t have my girl angry at me.”

Walking side by side, he spun her and brought her back to his chest. Leah rested her hand on his shoulder, sensing the passion percolate between them. How she longed to feel this way about someone again.

Still, he hadn’t said he loved her. Perhaps he didn’t want to scare her away. Leah wanted to burst.

“It seems we always end up dancing,” Cole said. His breath tickled her ear.

She ignored her wobbly knees. “Seems we do.”

His hand rested on her back. The gentle touch caused butterflies to swarm inside her stomach. Leah’s arms circled his neck as they swayed back and forth.

“I’m so happy for you two!” Gemma squealed.

The couple broke away, and Gemma pulled Leah into a hug. Cole shook Chase’s hand.

“Congrats on the baby,” he told Chase.

“Thanks,” Chase replied, his eyes blazing with excitement.

“Can we have everyone’s attention please?” April said over the microphone.

The crowd turned its attention to the stage as the music died down. Leah tuned in with the rest of the town.

April’s lips curved into a smile. “First, thank you so much Piedmont Valley for helping put this festival together.” She clapped her hands, and the rest of the crowd joined in. “To all of our cooks, staff, decorators, you know who you are, if you did something, thank you.” Then Jeremy walked over and handed her an award plaque. “As you all know, we hold our spring festival at the community center, but the weather left severe damage. But that didn’t stop us, right?”

The crowd cheered, and Leah even heard a few whistles.

April continued. “This award is for someone special in our town. When we needed it the most, this person came through on our behalf, and because of that, we have the funds to renovate our beloved center.”

Leah folded her arms across her chest.

“Uh oh,” Cole replied.

“Cole Parsons,” April said. “Please come to the stage?”

Leah’s lips parted. If she didn’t already love him, she would have fallen for him at this moment. Why didn’t he tell her?

Cole adjusted the lapels on his shirt as he sauntered toward the stage. On the way, his mother hugged him, and Seth and Mr. Parsons patted his back. Cole stuffed his hands in his pockets.

“I know you wanted to remain anonymous,” April said, “but I wanted you to know we as a town appreciate your generous donation. Piedmont Valley loves both of the Parsons brothers.” She handed him the award as the crowd applauded and whistled once more.

“Speech!” Seth yelled from across the room. Soon everyone else screamed and joined in encouraging Cole to say a few words.

Leah watched as he cradled the award and inched closer to the microphone. His mouth twitched into a smile.

“Wow,” he said. “I definitely wasn’t expecting this from you guys. I’m uh…” He scratched the back of his head. Then he focused his eyes on the crowd. “I wished to be kept anonymous because I didn’t want to be made a fuss over. I grew up here. This place is home, so when something happens to my home, I couldn’t stand by and do nothing.”

Leah touched a hand to her heart. As her eyes scanned the crowd, she observed as the people listened to him. If he ever wanted the spotlight as Cole Parsons, this was his moment. They hung onto his every word, and based on the grin from Seth, his little brother made him proud too.

“I know we all have different talents and gifts,” Cole continued. “I’m not any different from any of you in here. We all can make a difference. Our center gives hope to kids, the elderly, and so many others in between.” He held up the award. “Thank you. I’ll never forget tonight. Love you all.”

Leah’s lungs expanded to their fullest through deep, satisfying breaths. She moved closer to get to Cole, but too many surrounded him, shaking his hand and the women hugging his neck. The chatter filled her ears as the music kicked back in. She got closer to Cole as he talked with Jeremy. Wanting him to have his moment, she chose instead to back away.