Page 11 of Wish for Love

“Okay.” She forced a smile.

The owner, Mike, directed the ladies to their favorite booth in the corner. Leah ordered her beloved spinach artichoke dip, while Gemma requested stuffed mushrooms. Leah’s eyes scanned the restaurant. Big screen TVs, showing football and baseball games, hung from the corners of the room. She inhaled the faint smell of fries… her favorite snack she shared with Brian. She brushed her thumb against the condensation on her glass of water.

“Feeling better?” Gemma asked.

“It’s… different.”

“He hasn’t called has he?”

Leah’s hand carved through her hair, holding it back and then releasing it. “No, and I don’t expect him too. I might as well delete his number out of my phone.”

“It’s his loss.”

She tilted her head. “That’s what my dad said.”

Gemma took a sip of water. “How did your parents take the news?”

“Well, when they didn’t see Brian at church, my Mom asked. Plus, she heard he left town from Lonnie’s wife,” Leah explained.

Gemma pressed her lips together. “Bethany could never resist gossip.”

“You got that right.”

Her friend wrung her hands together. “So… I saw that Cole’s back in town.”


spread through Leah, so she took a sip from her own water glass. “Yeah, I saw him. We talked after church.”

“I always thought he was cute.”

“I’m telling Chase!”

Gemma gave a dismissive wave of her hand. “He knows I love him. All I’m saying is Cole is handsome. Looks like the years have been good to him.”

Leah gave a half smile. “I agree.”

“Between him and Seth, I say you have your pick of the Parsons men.”

Leah threaded a hand through her hair. “Not ready for that, and even if I was, the ‘Parsons men’ have already done a number on me. I don’t want a repeat of that.”

“You’ll be fine.”

“Anything else you want besides the mushrooms?”

Gemma studied the menu. “Maybe… the salmon.”

Leah appreciated Gemma getting her out of the house. Her best friend sensed when to give her space, but also when to give a push in the right direction.

Gemma slipped her a curious glance. “You sure you’re okay?”

She swatted away her concern. “You worry too much; I’ll be fine. It’s going to take time.” She rubbed her forearms. “It’s amazing how you can want something so much, and you think you and the other person are on the same page. Brian and I weren’t even in the same book.”

Gemma gave a half shrug. “That happens, but that’s the risk in relationships. I can’t tell you it will be easy, but when it’s the right guy for you, you’ll know.”

Leah cleared her throat. “We’ll see.”

Gemma touched her hand to her heart. “You’re not giving up, are you?”