Page 58 of Wish for Love

“It’s a surprise.”

He sparked her interest. She kneaded her shoulder. “Well, I have a long day at the boutique. Does seven work?”

“That’s perfect.”

Chip barked.

“What was that?” Seth asked, sounding surprised.

“My puppy. I have a dog.”

“Since when?”

“It hasn’t been that long.”

“That’s a surprise. I never thought you would get a pet.”

She raised an eyebrow. “I’ve always liked dogs. I never thought I would have the time.”

“I guess I’ll meet your puppy tomorrow.”

“Oh no. You don’t have to pick me up. I can—”

“I insist, Leah. I don’t mind picking you up. Maybe I can make up for showing up late to the movie last time.”

She grinned. “I didn’t hold it against you.”

His voice deepened. “I appreciate that.”

Leah drew in her bottom lip between her teeth. He used that same tone with her in high school when he had asked her out. It had won her over then, so who knew what—that was a long time ago.

She rubbed her forehead. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow night. Should I dress formal?”

Seth chuckled. “No, this isn’t prom. I think casual will work.”

“Okay, great.”

“Have a good night, Leah.”

“Good night, Seth.”

With that, she ended the call and clutched her phone in her hand. Her gut twisted, and a slight chill went through her. She sat her phone on her nightstand to recharge it, but a text caught her attention.

9:31 PM… Cole: I watched another classic tonight

A smile tugged at her lips.

9:34 PM… Leah: Which one?

9:36 PM… Cole: Henry Fonda. The Wrong Man

9:38 PM… Leah: Good one LOL

9:41 PM… Cole: LOL goodnight Leah

9:43 PM… Leah: Goodnight

She plopped on her bed. She covered her face with her hands.