Page 5 of Wish for Love

The trio didn’t say another word about it as they greeted friends and neighbors. The organ played softly in the background as Leah hugged and waved to her friends. She even waved at the organist, Mrs. Lowell, before taking a seat next to her parents. She stared at the decorative arches and moldings and heard the whisper of fabric as people shifted in their seats.

When she spotted Gemma and Chase, she waved, but her eyes widened when she noticed the Parsons family. She recognized Mr. and Mrs. Parsons and made eye contact with Seth. Next, she gazed at the man walking beside Seth. Cole? Her heart thumped. Surprised by her abnormal response, Leah jerked her head toward Pastor Hil

l at the pulpit.


Cole’s breaths quickened when he noticed the beauty sitting in one of the middle polished wooden pews. She was gorgeous and waved to Seth. While he recognized some faces, some had to remind him who they were. Cole finally nudged his brother’s arm.

“Who’s that in the green?” he said.

“You have been away too long,” Seth joked. “That’s Leah. She looks great too.”

Cole ignored his brother’s observation. Seth didn’t give the impression he was seeing her. Still, his brother was right. For that brief second with her facing him, Cole’s eyes gazed into Leah’s.

He took his seat next to his family as the service started. Listening to the choir, Cole recalled as a teen trying out as a tenor. He quickly found out his gift was in photography. Leah had always laughed at his attempts. Yet, she never made him feel like a failure. While his parents encouraged him to be a doctor or lawyer, Leah persuaded him to follow his dream.

Soon, the service ended with Pastor Hill dismissing the congregation. Cole stood as the crowd proceeded to the exit doors. His palms were sweaty from the anxiety building inside him. It made little sense. Then he gazed as Leah came down the aisle. He loved the color of her dress. I think she still loves green. As soon as she greeted Seth with a hug, her chestnut eyes met his mink brown ones.

“Cole,” she beamed.

His eyes lit up. “Hey, Leah.” Loose curls framed her face, her mouth quirked up in a gleaming smile. He pulled her into a bear hug as he would in the past. They rocked back and forth, and Cole was thankful that Seth let them have a moment alone.

Leah brushed her palms together. “When did you get back? I’m surprised I didn’t hear about it.”

“I got back last night,” Cole shared.

“How long will you be here?”

“I’m moving back here. For good.”

She smiled. “No way.”

“Yes, way. I’m opening up my studio here in town.”

“Wow, that’s great Cole. I’m happy for you.”

“How are you?”

Leah stiffened. “I’m… I’m doing okay. I guess I’ll see you around.”

He didn’t want to ask why her smile faded so quickly. Not wanting to pry, Cole didn’t ask. “Hard not to in this town.”

“True,” Leah agreed. She relaxed and gave one last smile. “Have a good day. Good to see you.”

“You too.” Cole watched her as she exited the church. He hoped she was okay and if he could do anything to help… A pat to his back disrupted his thoughts. It was Seth.

“Leah still looks incredible,” Seth said as he stared after her. “Maybe I was wrong to let her get away, huh?”

Cole shoved his hands in his pockets. He didn’t want to think about his brother rekindling anything with Leah. He hated to be in the shadow of his brother, but all his life, that’s who won the spotlight. His parents loved him, but Cole never thought he could keep up with his older brother’s accomplishments.

Even when he dated a few of his crushes in high school, his dates always asked him about Seth. Back then, Cole was the second choice. He should have been past these feelings at twenty-nine, but being back home brought them back again. He even attempted to tell Leah his feelings for her, but when she accepted a date with Seth, Cole cowered. Looking back, he should’ve fought for her, but he didn’t see the point.

Still, he didn’t return home to rehash the past. He was here to pursue his own photography business. Once he got his business off the ground, he would consider settling down. He didn’t mind having a wife and a family, but it wasn’t in the cards for him.

“Whatever you say, brother,” he finally replied to Seth. Cole figured it was best. He didn’t want a repeat of last time.

Chapter 4