Page 85 of The Wedding Report

Lance didn’t answer, but shut the door behind him, leaving his father in obvious disbelief.

Returning to his office, he packed his briefcase and left for the day. On the way home, he stopped by Jasper’s Diner, settling into a booth nestled against a window with a view of the street. A waitress stopped by with water and a laminated menu for him to peruse. He tapped his foot against the checkered tile floor. Stools creaked in the background, doors swung open to the blast of the cars outside, and the bell rang overhead as customers walked inside.

Lance inhaled fragrant coffee and bacon grease, so when his waitress returned, he ordered a BLT sandwich with French fries. He scrolled through the apps on his phone. Cutlery clinked on tables and scratched against plates.

He exhaled, feeling at peace with his decision. It wasn’t all about making money to live in the biggest house. Lance wanted an actual home, with people who loved him. Then his phone buzzed with a text.

2:45 PM... Andrea: Great news! I’ll be in town this weekend!

Lance smiled and messaged her back.

2:47 PM... Lance: Good cause I’m missing you

2:50 PM... Andrea: Too sweet! I love you! Xoxo

Lance sighed. He would have to tell her about quitting his job. Would she support him if he made a career change? They wouldn’t suffer financially. Between the both of them, they had enough to live on until he decided his next move.

2:53 PM... Lance: Call me when you have a minute

No sense in procrastinating. When he heard her ringtone, he answered.

“What’s up?” Andrea sounded worried. “Did something happen?”

“No, everything’s cool. At least it will be.”

“What does that mean?” She asked.

“I quit my dad’s firm.”



“Wow. Why?”

“I think I need a change. Besides, my dad and I are on two different planets when running a business.”

Silence again.

“Andrea? Honey?”

“Sorry, I was listening, but I’m reading an article that was posted by People magazine. I did another interview.”

Lance ignored the empty feeling in his stomach. When he needed her support the most, she wasn’t listening. He swallowed. “How did it go?”

“They can’t believe I’m getting married.” She groaned. “I’m sorry. You were talking, and I made this about me. What are you going to do?”

Lance smiled, appreciating her trying to do better. “I don’t know. We can talk more when you get here.”

“You sure? I didn’t mean to—”

“It’s fine. I’ll let you get back to work. Love you.”

“Love you.” She hung up.

Lance clutched his phone in his hand. What was he going to do? Perhaps the town’s summer kickoff would do the trick. It would be a great distraction for him to unwind. He sighed, cupping his forehead.
