Page 81 of The Wedding Report

“Are you having fun?”

“I am. Haven’t bowled in a while, but I’m getting back in the habit.”

“Bowling.” He sounded intrigued. “I see. Think you’ll win?”

“Why? You want to know if I’m competition for you?”

He chuckled. “We’ll find out later.” She heard a dog bark. “Better take him out for a walk.”

“Thanks for calling. I’ll talk to

you later.”

“You bet. Have fun.”

Hanging up, Chantelle pressed her cell to her chest. She waited again for the spark between them. She liked Javier, but was it more than friendship? She sighed, but her cell rang once more. Did he call back by accident? Facing her screen, it wasn’t Javier. It was her boss. Chantelle answered to get the conversation over with.

“I’m liking the notes you’ve sent so far,” Brenda said. “Even the pictures are helping. Lance looks like the perfect groom.”

“I’m glad you like it.” She brushed her hair behind her ears as the wind picked up.

“Anything else I should know about?”

“Like what?” Chantelle asked.

“Chantelle, I told you we need an angle with this story.”

“I know but we’re not a gossip magazine.”

“True, but we report truth to our readers. All I’m asking is for a little more edge. Is he speaking to Andrea at all? She’s not in the photos you sent me.”

“She’s working.”

“Okay, so expound on that. Why would she be working so close to the wedding? How does Lance feel about this? Does he support her?” Brenda coaxed.

“I’ll do what I can, but I’m not exploiting this wedding.”

“I’m not expecting you to. Just give me a little more.” Brenda hung up and Chantelle stuffed her phone inside her pocket. More edge. Find out more about Andrea.

What was keeping her away? Lance didn’t hint at anything personal. Why would he?


Chantelle stared inside her mother’s refrigerator. It held more stacks of meat. Her mother had even more in the refrigerator in the garage. Hamburgers, chicken wings, and hot dogs were on the menu for the town’s summer kickoff. The last time Chantelle attended one, there had been macaroni salad, fruit salad, lasagnas and other casseroles, coleslaw, watermelon slices and chips. She could smell the boiling corn now, along with the blooming flowers from nearby.

“That’s a lot of meat,” Chantelle said, bobbing her head.

“About to start up the grill outside.” Douglas rubbed his palms together.

Her mother grabbed her apron. She looked over at her daughter. “Want to help?”

Chantelle walked over to the sink and washed her hands. “I can season the meat.”

“Bring them out when they’re ready.” Douglas kissed her mother’s cheek and then proceeded to the backyard.

Chantelle watched her mother stare after her husband. Then she returned to her station in front of the island and unpacked the package of hamburger meat. Seasoned salt, garlic powder, and onion powder were her spices of choice. Inching closer to her mother, Chantelle rested her elbows on the island, leaning on the butcher block countertop.

“Everything okay?” Her mother asked.