Page 75 of The Wedding Report

“You were?” Andrea asked. “I guess I beat you to it.”

Lance smiled, staring at the picture still. “How are things going?”

“I’m exhausted and it’s only the afternoon here.”

His eyes widened. “What? Why?”

“Babe, as much as I love what I do, it’s tiring. You were right. I need a break.”

He chuckled, folding the picture back with one hand. “You’ll get one. I promise.”

“I’m thinking I can be there in a week at the latest. It’ll be cutting it close, but I haven’t accepted more modeling jobs. At least not until after the honeymoon.”

Lance swallowed. “You want to keep it up?”

“You aren’t expecting me to quit, do you?” Her voice sounded surprised.

“No, but... what if you wanted to take a longer break? You want kids, don’t you?”


“Andrea? Babe?” Did she hang up? Did he say something wrong?

“I guess we never really talked about children.”

Lance’s breathing slowed. How would he respond if she didn’t want kids? “What is it?”

“I guess... I don’t know. I’ve thought about being a mom, but...”

Lance was practically on the edge of the bench.

“Do you think I’ll be a good one? I love my mom, but growing up, her career strained our relationship. She was always away acting or producing a new film. I grew mostly with live-in nannies. I wouldn’t want that for my child.”

The tension eased in Lance’s body. “You’ll make a wonderful mother. I bet you’ll look good pregnant.”

“But that’ll slow my career down too. I’m not sure if I want to give that up now.”

He reassured her. “We don’t have to have them right away. You know that.”

“But what if... it happens sooner than we think?” Andrea sounded nervous.

Lance smiled. “We’ll deal with it if that happens. You won’t be alone, anyway.”

“Now I see why I’m marrying you.”

Lance rubbed at his forehead with his free hand.

“Lance? Are you still there?”

“I’m here and don’t worry.”

“I won’t.”

They said their goodnights and Lance headed home to shower and go to bed. When his phone rang once more, he figured Andrea had forgotten something.

“Something else on your mind?” He asked.

“Lance, I beg you to reconsider firing June Myers.”